Chapter Eighteen

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Adirs POV

Groaning I opened my eyes a little bit my head was pounding and my right side stung with pain each time I moved. I could hear sounds of crying and hysterical screaming as doctors and nurses tried to calm down patients and their families. After a while a nurse came to check on me, not realising I was awake "Miss can I please have some water?" she jumped slightly startled by my sudden talkativeness. She nodded and fetched me some water, as she helped me sit up I noticed something about her seemed familiar she held the cup to my lips and I drank it thanking her kindly. About an hour later Kyle, Casey, and Hunter were walking through the crowded tent towards my bed. Casey was the first to reach me,

"Are you ok?" she asked sitting on the edge of my bed

"I think I'm ok,"

"Really?" she asked leaning down too next to my ear "You look terrible" I managed to crack a small smile which seemed more like a grimace, this girl always made me smile. When Casey stood back it was Kyle's turn, he embraced me straight away being careful not to squeeze me too hard. He pulled back and tenderly kissed me. I saw small tears pricking in the corners of his eyes "Thank goodness your alive." I heard a cough from behind Kyle he moved back slightly but didn't let go of my hand, I saw my brother glaring at my hand in Kyle's.

"Don't you ever, EVER do something like that again," he sounded worn out, "I need you to stay with me" He whispered so that only I could hear

"I will" I promised "As long as you do the same" he nodded

"I promise. Always and forever?"

"Always and forever" I confirmed

Damn it felt like I had been hit by a bus, and trust me that hurts. I groaned and opened my eyes slowly only to be met by a dishevelled looking Kyle who was sitting next to my bed. When he saw me he dove at me and hugged me tight to his body, "Thank goodness you're ok" he muttered before he pulled me in and devoured my lips is a rough and needy kiss. It so happened that at the same time my Aunt decided to walk in and check up on me, though I didn't notice because I was focused more on keeping up, or trying to keep up with Kyle's breathless pace. It was only when I had had enough of him taking control and had flipped him so that I was straddling him that I noticed my Aunt standing there with her mouth hanging open like a fly trap. I blushed, slightly ashamed of being caught and slightly embarrassed so like the stupid person I am I said the first thing that popped into my head "Aunt Shelly I think you need t close your mouth before you swallow a fly." Smooth, real smooth

"Adrianna Cole what on earth do you think you're doing. He's supposed to be watching you. Not making out with you!" she exclaimed "Just you wait Officer Mackenzie till I tell your supervisor what you have done!"  I quickly placed my hand over his mouth to stop the instant retort I knew was building up in this chest

"Look Aunt Shelly I —we can explain," I looked at her hopefully she sighed and nodded her head

"But you two better tell me the same thing and the truth!" I nod quickly

"As you have probably figured out, we knew each other before," paused looking at Kyle "We were in the same military unit"

"Our unit worked amazing together; I guess that was why they kept us together"

Aunt shelly nodded "and why are you here now?" She asked looking at Kyle. My eyes widened slightly and I turned to look at Kyle too, wanting to know why he was really here.

"Like I said before I am here to keep an eye on Adri and make sure she doesn't hurt herself" He was lying I knew it but Aunt Shelly seemed contempt with that answer. 

"OK then well dinner's at 6 we are having a bit earlier today," she said happily once she had gone I turned to Kyle.

"I know you're lying" is all I said before getting up and walking out the room.

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