Chapter Five (Part 1)

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***dedicated to hannah050500 thanks for voting ;) ***

I was helped into the car by Sam who wasn't really helping at all but she meant good so I kept my mouth shut. Kyle followed us back in a car behind us, with me and Sam piled in the back along with a cast multiple pillows and crutches it was quite crowded but I didn't mind it was the one time I had felt relaxed and care free. It seemed as if I hadn't just come back from the military on secret missions that only my team members and the director knew about. It was as if I was a part of the family like I had always been there, it was nice. It turned out that I had been in the spare room because my room wasn't ready yet. My room was now though, my Aunt and Sam had been working on it while I was at the hospital. I opened the door to my room expecting to see pink frills everywhere, to my surprise it wasn't. The walls were painted a pale blue there was a desk under the bed that was like a top bunk minus the bottom on the left side. A window seat on the left side, after my bed by the small window. In the corner that was by the bathroom was a blue curtain that separated a wall of books, a seat hanging from the roof and multiple bean bags as well as a couch and the window seat. And the balcony had double doors covered by blue netting curtains.

"Wow" I breathed

"So how do you like it?" Sam asked "We still need to get some furniture and other equipment but we need you so that you can pick out things that you like."

"It's perfect. How did you guys know." I asked looking over at Sam who was currently looking down.

"It was from the room plans we made before you left" I nodded,

"Thanks Sammie" I looked up at her I was so thankful for what she and my aunt had done for me. I stood up despite my leg and gave her and my aunt a hug. They stood there with their mouths open as I stood on my injured leg like it was nothing. I limped over to the desk chair and sat down, sam walked just behind the curtain and opened a hidden door.

"Through this door is Kyle's room but there is a fold out couch in the corner if you want/need him in here."

"Ok then dear" My Aunt said coming over to me "we'll leave you here to settle in; your bags are next to the couch over there" she said gesturing to the right side of the room. She kissed my forehead before leaving with Sam following behind.

"My rooms down the hall; if you want to talk." She whispered before closing the door.

After they left I walked over to the couch and pulled my bag to the wardrobe, I packed all my clothes in the right places. When I was almost done I heard a knock on the door, "Yeah"

"It's me can I come in?"

"yeah" Kyle opened the door and I was finally able to stare at him openly. His sandy brown hair was brushed up in a quiff like style, his brown eyes shining as he took in my appearance his skin still a tanned olive colour. I took a step towards him reaching a hand out when I collapsed.

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