Chapter Seventeen (Part 1)

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****So here is part of chapter seventeen, don't hate me. What are they going to do to her. But most importantly are Adri and Kyle going to get her back? Comment and tell me what you think should happen... ****
Sam’s POV

When I was chucked off my balcony I thought I was going to die, but someone caught me and dragged me up into the helicopter. How did they even manage to get a helicopter here and how had the guards not noticed yet! I heard shooting coming from inside my room I tried to turn and look but was held down by strong hands. I heard people talking I recognized one of the voices as Kyle,

“Miguel get ready, he’s about to shoot the boss” the person holding me down said panic clear in his voice. When I realized what he meant I struggled against his hands and screamed at the top of my lungs

“Would you shut her up” someone yelled, then a hand was put in front of my face covered by a stinking rag. They held it there for an age and I realized I was going to have to breathe eventually so I gulped in a breath of air but it turns out the cloth was covered in chloroform and my head started to spin and my vision blurred as I passed out.  

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