Chapter Six

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Upturning the lighter quickly I saw the initials C.C. I frowned then turned and held up the lighter triumphantly “Someone did drug me.”  I furrowed my brows but why drug me if they weren’t going to take me anywhere I looked up at Kyle who looked irritated hmm this was strange, the same day I return home I get drugged that mustn’t be a coincidence but like papa used to say it happens once it’s a coincidence it happens twice it’s suspicious. I noticed Kyle still hadn’t said anything but was staring off into space. “Ky, did you see anyone here?”

“Huh, What? Uh no I didn’t” he stuttered, I frowned

“So your telling me, that you” I pointed to him “a highly trained spy did not see an intruder, who by the way shot me with a drug dart, leave this closet after shooting me?” my voice that had started off calm had risen a little louder

“I was busy looking after you, I didn’t know why you just collapsed so I checked your pulse and then moved you to the bed and checked if you were actually still alive.” Kyle defended himself looking slightly to the right of me as he answered meaning he was lying. You see people often have little signs they do when they lie for some they can’t keep a straight face and for others they have a nervous twitch. So I knew he was lying, I let it slide this once but if something like this happens again and he doesn’t tell me the truth then I’ll start asking questions.

“ADRI, OFFICER MAKENZIE!! LUNCH IS READY” Sammie shouted up the stairs

“Samantha, I told you to go up and get them” we heard my Aunt scold her

“We better go then” Kyle gestured to the door with his head. I ducked my head shyly and went out the door followed by Kyle.


Kyle POV

Phew that was close, I knew she thought something was up so I just needed to tell the others to lay off for a while so she would believe me, because I knew she knew I was lying.  Damn tat idiot Craig he’s just lucky I was assigned to be with her at all times otherwise I would . . .

“Makenzie!” Adri yelled pulling me out of my thoughts, “can you please pass the salad?” I hummed a response reaching over and quickly passing her the salad. The rest of lunch went by without incidence, thankfully. Everyone decided to sleep after lunch so that would give me a short period of time to contact the others.

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