Chapter Twenty-Three

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I was about to go home when I realised that I had to train the fitness squad, so I found myself trudging  to the gyms afterschool to change for the 'fitness squad' whatever that was. Probably just a bunch of poplars' needing an extra curriculum activity to pass the year level, I bet they don't even train they just stand round talking. Again Kyle followed me like a possessed stalker, he just didn't follow me into the changing rooms though probably given half the chance he would have with out a second thought

I was pretty much right, they are mostly a bunch of poplars' who just stand talking but there were a few kids who actually did try to exercise but the poplars' were just giving them a hard time. I got pretty sick of it as I stood there watching what they were doing, you know the whole observe the situation your heading into before you dive it head first. At last I decided to take a stand as they were teasing a slightly chubby – but nowhere near fat – girl doing sit ups.

"Come on tubby, sit up for the cake" one said

"Yeah, come on fatso get up there," They were all laughing when I said

"Yeah and at least she's actually doing something" the guy and the girl turned to me

"Ha, we could do more sit-ups with our hands tied behind our head than she could do without her hands tied in a minute" the guy scoffed, the girl looked just as cocky thinking I would back down

"That sounds like a challenge," I turned to the other girl "You in?" I asked she nodded "Ok anyone here a fast runner?" I chose someone close to the edge of the field "Can you please go and get me four ropes?" the guy nodded "and if you muck around you will be doing laps round the field for 5 minutes, and if you don't do that you'll be doing 10 minutes next time" Harsh I know but I don't have all day to stand here waiting for ropes, the guy set off at a fast jog obviously noticing that I was being serious. "Everyone else apart from those participating in the challenge 1 lap of the fields no short cutting this run is timed and the time that you take will be the time you will do later in the plank." I looked round at the shocked faces "Is that clear?" I asked and got only a few murmurs "Is that clear!?" I yelled my voice carrying across the fields everyone nodded "Then let's go, get a move on!" and as the first person started to run I clicked on the stop watch around my neck. I stuck to the

middle of the group making sure no one cut corners and near the end I stayed closer to the back again making sure that noon cut corners and to encourage the stragglers along. By the time everyone had finished it had been 4.39minutes.

By this time the guy had brought the ropes I had asked for and two who had boasted had their hands tied and they all sat on the ground with people they didn't know counting for them "If I find out that any of the counters have cheated either through blackmail or by self-choice they and the person they are counting for will be punished." I warned and with that blew the whistle and pressed the timer as they started. It turned out that the girls counter was pressured into counting in twos every second sit-up and that the big mouths actually only did around 25 in a minute whereas the girl they were teasing did 30, I decided not to punish the counter for the girl, but the girl herself next time seeing as we were running out of time. So I ended with the 4.39 minutes in the plank and another run round the field, when I was finished and everyone had just left I stayed behind with so of the smart ones and stretched, I ended up talking to the girl I had helped out, her name was Leah she had brown hair tied in a thick braid, pale green eyes and pale lips and the guy that had fetched the ropes was Joel he had black hair pale skin and black narrow eyes.

As we were stretching Kyle came over to me and picked me up, "Hey" I protested

"We have to leave," he said looking round nervously I went and picked up my bag and glanced around suddenly on high alert

"Ok guys this should be good for today see you next training" I said distractedly before Kyle tugged me off towards the car park "Why?" I whispered, I don't know why I whispered but I guess it was in case the threat that put Kyle on edge was nearby listening.

"Nigel" He said and as I was shutting the door it was wrenched open and I was grabbed from behind.

Comment please, What do you think's gonna happen to Adri? Is it Nigel himself? or a messenger?  

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