Chapter One

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I sat on one of the not-so-comfy airport seats waiting for my plane gates to open. I was knackered I hadn't slept in 2 days. I couldn't the memories would replay the instant I closed my eyes, the loudspeaker dinged and announced the boarding planes. Upon hearing my flight number I proceeded to board the plane. I sat down at my window seat and looked out not seeing anything, not hearing anything. The aeroplane started down the run way and the hostesses' moved into the isles to demonstrate emergency procedures, I tuned her out not needing to listen again to the procedures I learnt in the military. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the hostesses voice an elbow nudged me sharply in the ribs. I whipped my head round with a furious look on my face "What." I seethed, I'm normally a nice person but at the moment I was sleep deprived, stressed and just plain irritated. The woman next to me pointed a finger at the hostess

"You should listen. It could save your life" She whispered as the Hostesses sat down.

"Yeah, I would love to listen to another air safety lecture." I said sarcastically

"But you should still listen" she replied "you never know what's going to happen in the future."

I smirked "I've been in enough plane crashes to know what to do and what the outcomes can be." I grew quiet near the end and looked out my window remembering when everything went wrong. "Sorry. That was rude of me." I said quickly hoping to avoid the subject "I'm Adriana" I smiled

Thankfully she took the bait "I'm Kate, why are you traveling to California? On holiday or . . ." She trailed off.

"I'm just returning home, I was on vacation" After the somewhat awkward introduction we talked for a while until Kate decided to sleep, she recommended I do the same. Taking her advice I gingerly closed my eyes and thankfully fell into a dreamless sleep.


CLANG! CRASH!! I jolted upright and was jerked back down into my seat because of the seatbelt fastened around my waist. I was on high alert despite the fact that I was on a plane suspended in the sky. Kate looked over to me worriedly

"You ok?" I nodded catching my breath, I heaved a sigh of relief when I realised the noise had only been one of the hostess knocking something over. Ok I have to admit now that I was pretty high strung. Thankfully the rest of the flight turned out uneventful but I was still on guard, Kate was right you never did know what would happen in the future.

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