Chapter Seventeen (Part 2)

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I woke up in a dark place I blinked and opened my eyes a rough surface scratched my eyelids; they must have put a blindfold on me. My hands were tied and I was freezing, the cold floor was hard underneath me and my hip ached as if it had a bruise. Which it probably did, I let out a small cough and found that my throat was as dry as the Sahara desert. I heard a door open and a person walking in followed by the sound of talking and keys rattling I sat up and pushed myself backwards. A painful sound like nails on a chalkboard pounded in my ear drums as the person came nearer. They were so close I could feel their boy heat as they leant over me and tugged the blindfold down. The light that suddenly hit my eyes was painfully bright and I squeezed my eyes shut before cautiously opening them again. The first thing I saw was a buff man standing in front of me holding a cup of something towards me. I lifted my tied hands and took it thanking him quietly,]. As I let the cool liquid slide down my throat easing the pain I looked around before he could put the blindfold back on, if he was going to. I saw two other cells either side of mine and a guard positioned outside each one. The only light was from outside a door at the end of the room it barely lit up the first cage I could see a hunched up figure in the back corner and wondered how long he had been there. When I had finished the man grabbed the cup off me roughly and walked out of the cell, slamming the gate making the hunched figure jump. I shuffled towards the cage next to me resting on the bars I called out to the other prisoner. “hey,” I said the figure turned slightly “who are you?”

“That is for me to know and for you to figure out” he said turning around fully to face me.

****ok so I acidently deleted a part and that means my views and votes have gone down so, again if you get me up to 34 votes and 900 views then i will do another double update this time on time though thank you all soo much for sticking with this story****

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And comment tell me what you think is going to happen and who you think this misterious person is to Sam??

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