Chapter Twenty-Four

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Sam's POV

It was horrible to have to come face to face again with my captor he seemed to have a bad temper and at multiple times I thought he would actually hit me, but he seemed to remember something just before he was about to hit me and it stopped him dead in his tracks. He explained that my cousin Adri and Kyle had put him in jail and Adri had murdered his brother I don't think she did that but I didn't argue after 30 minutes he let me go, no he didn't set me free he sent me back to the cells but this time I think the guards made a mistake and I found myself in the same cell as the guy. He sighed when he saw me, in relief –I think.

"What is your name?" he asked

"I'll tell only if you give yours"


"I'm Samantha, but just call me Sam"

"I'm Hunter"

"Hunter" I murmured testing his name, "how long have you been down here?"

He shrugged "I dunno' I stopped counting after two months." I gasped, shocked

"who are these people?" I whispered

"The strongest drug cartel in Mexico, the military team I was with before being in here took them down but they must have reformed and when their leader was let out of prison they came after us to get revenge." He stopped abruptly, "That's all you need to know. They are dangerous and they will do anything to get what they want." He was stopped by a guard opening the cell we were in

"Get up," he growled, Hunter didn't move "I said get up!" he yelled making me cower slightly, but Hunter didn't even flinch. He started to move slowly but the man obviously thought it wasn't fast enough as he took a step closer and grabbed his arm yanking him up violently. "Don't think about runnin' you know what happens."

"yeah, yeah I know, you and your buddies get trigger happy, not that you'll even hit anything," Hunter sniggered the guard cocked his rifle and shot him in the leg, I could smell the burning of Hunters flesh, it made me sick but I had nothing

in my stomach to throw up. Hunter's lips were pressed into a thin line from the


"you think I no good at aim, that show you. Now walk!" He prodded Hunter in the back with the rifle who took a few careful steps before walking, or rather, limping forwards. I sat back against the back corner of the cell, and let out a shaky breath, shocked and utterly terrified from what had just happened. What would become of me here, what would happen if I could escape, the thought of escape had been playing with my mind for a while but the scene that had just unfolded in front of me had blown any thought of it right out my head and into the oblivion of lost thoughts. I just hoped that somehow, someone would get me, and Hunter, out of here.

****I am soooooooo sorry for the long wait I abs 4got totally about writing, I actually haven't even bee on my computer lately, :S I hope you feel this chapter was worth the wait. Plz Vote and Comment,****

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