Chapter Twenty-Two

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****Thank you guys sooo much and so like I promised a double update!! It is sad to say that this book will soon be coming to an end :( but don't worry I am going to be writing a sequel!! :) Please vote/comment - I really like feedback-/share****

Ari's POV

Kyle sat down on the chair to the left so that left me to the right, closer to the exit I smiled absentmindedly when the principal Ms Ruth-tell 'Rat-Tat' she was called for short - I think - had sat down Kyle leaned forwards in his seat and said "Well Ms Ruth what is the problem here?" she actually took a breath and started to answer before she realised I was giggling which I quickly covered up with a 'coughing fit' she glared at Kyle

"I hear that you seriously hurt Chantelle McDonald, the head trainer! She is right now sitting in the nurses office" she turned to me

"Yeah, I hurt her" I scoffed "All I did was break her nail" I paused thoughtfully for a second "And probably her nose too."

"this sort of behaviour is unacceptable in this school we do not go round attacking and 'breaking peoples noses' but because you are new here and because of your past experiences in the time you have been here I will today let you off with a warning but if this happens again, then I will suspend or possibly expel you from this school." She turned to Kyle "And as for you, next time you try to stop a fight don't get into one yourself." Kyle furrowed his eyebrows

"How did I get into a fight?" he asked

"You knocked her unconscious and the only reason I'm not expelling you is because –

from what I've heard you are" she glanced at me "Assigned to her" she whispered glancing at me.

"Oh please, I already know he can't get enough of this and that's why he wants to follow me

round" I said rolling my eyes and gesturing to my body

"Ignore her" Kyle muttered "Thank you for not expelling us and it will not happen again." The principal nodded satisfied

"Alright then you may leave now, oh and before I forget, you have a choice to make;

either detention every day for the next two weeks or train the squad in preparation for the next meat because Chantelle cannot" seriously!! I thought, all I did was break her nose! I sighed weighing the options in my head tell my Aunt and Uncle I got into a fight or tell them I joined the squad. Yeah I know what I'll be doing.

"Squad," I said, maybe I could whip some people into shape

"Ok then trainings are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday's every week I expect to see

you there leading our girls to victory." I rolled my eyes and continued out the room Kyle close behind

"Oh trust me it will happen again" I muttered to Kyle as we were walking out the Admin

building he pushed me up against the outside wall arms either side of my head

so I couldn't escape.

"Be nice" he pleaded, pecking me on the lips before walking away

"Only in school," I promised grumpily, Kyle's mouth twitched up slightly as we walked to our

English class.

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