Chapter Seven

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Adri POV

After lunch I pretended to go to sleep, instead while Kyle was out my way I snuck out to the security booth by the front gate unfortunately the guard that was on duty was the same one that I had used as a human shield when I attempted to escape what I thought was the enemies hide out. I smiled ruefully “hi” I waved my hand slightly the guard froze and looked up he took in a deep breath he was about to scream. “stop! Please don’t scream. I’m sorry for what happened when I used you as a human shield, you see I had just come home from a war zone. So I was kinda jumpy and I woke up in a strange place so I assumed the worst.” He let out the breath and nodded slowly

“How may I help you . . .”

“Adri,” I filled in

“aren’t you supposed to be resting with your leg and all?” he nodded to my leg I shrugged

“I just need to check some security footage ok?” he looked at me suspiciously

“Why?” I rolled my eyes

“you can stay and watch me it’s not like I’m asking you to leave, so can I, or not?” he stepped aside slowly and I limped up to the controls I had jarred my leg a bit when I made my way here. Standing in front of the security panels; I rewound to just before I got drugged. I replayed it two more times. On the last time I saw a blur running and jumping the main gate. I tried to slow the footage down but all I got was a blonde/brown hair stocky build and an obvious male figure so basically I just named 100 males in the state.

“Are you quite done now?” the security guard asked “because I need to get the cameras back”

I turned around and smiled sweetly “as long as I can come back here to check the footage every day same time.” He looked thoughtful

“Deal, now get outta here” he chuckled and I started on my way back to the mansion before Kyle found I wasn’t where I said I would be.

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