Chapter Twelve (Part two)

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Adri’s POV

“My first question is, how long have you two had a thing?” she said gesturing between me and Kyle,

“Since around 2013 when I joined the…” Kyle slapped his hand over my mouth

“When we met during a training camp” Sam looked at us strangely narrowing her eyes she said

“Tell me the truth,” I was about to answer when I realised Kyles hand was still over my mouth I stuck my tongue out and slid it along the length of his palm, he quickly retracted his hand wiping it down my back

“We can’t tell you” Kyle said

“Why not!” Sam demanded “ it’s not like I’d tell anyone!”

I sighed inwardly but stayed quietly “We know you wouldn’t tell anyone, but we just can’t tell you”

“If you trust me why don’t you tell me?” Sam just wouldn’t drop it

“Because if we did we’d have to kill you Sammie, kill you and how are we supposed to make it an accident?” I burst out suddenly unable to keep my mouth shut “Even if we didn’t kill you if the Government that we worked for would kill all of us; you, Aunt shelly and Uncle George, my baby sister in foster care, and basically our whole family and maybe even the families of our closes friends and our partners!” I yelled looking at Kyle over my shoulder I looked back at Sam who looked a little pale.  “Hey Sam look – ”

“I-I think that’s e-enough for today” she stammered and she rushed out my bedroom, I sighed

“Go see if she’s ok” Kyle said I nodded and slid to the edge of my bed grabbing my disused crutches I hopped down to Sam’s room. I knocked on the door

“Sam?” There was no reply “Hey Sam look, I would tell you if I could but I don’t want you getting hurt.” There was still no answer, I tried the door handle it was unlocked, so I nudged the door open and there with a gun to her head was Sam. I immediately went into attack mode taking my had out of my crutch and grabbing my pistol I pushed myself against the hallway and used the one crutch I still had to open the door.

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