Chapter Ten

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Kyle POV

I walked into my room chuckling

“What’s so funny?” a voice said immediately I turned throwing a knife at the same time, instead of an imposter I saw a wide eyed pale ghost of Samantha. Oops, thankfully she wasn’t hurt the knife had just nicked the top of her ear.

“Samantha! Please don’t sneak up on me like that” I said helping her sit down on my bed I quickly grabbed her some tissue and pressed it against her ear to stop the bleeding.

“H-how, can you do that? You’re just like Adri . . .” she trailed off oh-no I was not liking where this was headed “You’re not really who you say you are, are you?” she asked before I could answer Adri came in

“Hey Kye do you remember anyone from the agency with the initials C.C?” she trailed off when she saw her cousin on the bed with tissue pressed to her ear. “What did you do?” Adri asked werily, I sighed

“I nicked her with a knife” I smiled sheepishly

“YOU WHAT!!!” she looked around she obviously saw the knife stuck in the doorway because she rounded on me straight away with a look of pure anger on her angelic face. She took a step forward and even though she was injured it was damn threating and a turn on, is that wrong? “You know those pillows would look great on you.” she smiled sweetly grabbing a pillow and stuffing it on my face making it hard for me to breathe. I flipped her over so she was under me I threw the pillow away registering the fact that Samantha was still in the room but was standing close to the doorway she seemed stuck between, horror, shock and amusement.

“A sweetie calm down” I mumbled

“Don’t you ‘sweetie’ me” she spat out, struggling in my hold she looked from left to right before she smiled at me. “Night, night” she said reaching up and pulling something before I could ask what she meant I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head before I fell forward while everything went black.

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