Chapter Sixteen

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I aimed my gun at Nigel but before I could a man from inside the helicopter outside fired a shot. Thankfully they were bad marksmen and it just grazed my upper arm, but it was still painful. My arm dropped down and I took a few steps backwards out the door and out of their range, while Nigel turned and ran to the window I swapped my gun hand and shot at him but I wasn't used to shooting with this arm so I missed but narrowly I think I may have grazed his ankle though.

When he was gone I rushed over to Adri skidding to the floor by her, by this time the guards had obviously heard the gunshots and had arrived, so had Mr and Mrs Duncan. But it wasn't them that I was worried about as I reached out to check if Adri was breathing I heaved a sigh of relief as I felt her warm but shallow breath tickle my index finger. I quickly checked her body for any bullet wounds as the security guards and Mr and Mrs Duncan entered the room. I found a small cut and a lump. "that son of a...-" I muttered

"Kyle! Oh my gosh what happened!" Mrs Duncan asked

"It's a bit of a long story. I'll tell you later but first I need to get Adri back to her room," I hosted Adri up into my arms and carried her back to her room and put her on the bed. I replaced the used bullets and had opened her underwear draw when Mrs Duncan decided to walk in

"Kyle . . . what are you doing" she said I whirled round the loaded gun aimed; she started as she looked down the barrel of the pistol.

"Please Mrs Duncan don't sneak up on me like that," I said and turned back to Adri's draw "You could get hurt" I locked the safety on and shut the draw

"What are you doing but Adri's underwear?" she asked suspiciously

"That's where she keeps a gun, no one ever thinks to look there."

"and how do you know that?" I gulped nervously and she seemed to notice my pause

"I can't tell you."

"mhmm, and why can't you tell me?"

"Because Mrs Duncan it's not just my story to tell" I said settling on the chair next to Adri's bed.

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