Chapter Nineteen

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Sam’s POV

As he turned around the light caught his shirt, it was in tatters and stained with dark red patches, I cringed involuntarily. “Yeah not the best hospitality here” he joked, a ghost of a smile taunted my lips I looked up and my eyes caught his. Even though the light was dim something in his eyes seemed to sparkle, his cheekbones were poking through his cheeks and his skin was pale as if he had been inside for a long time. His pale lips seemed to be set in a permanent grimace, “Why are you down here?” His voice seemed a little husky

“I was kidnapped” I looked down “I think my cousin had a history with him” I admitted at this he perked up

“Who’s your cousin?”

“Why do you care?” I asked                                                                                   

“Please tell me I need to know” he sounded desperate I huffed

“Fine, her name is Adriana, but you better not tell anyone or use it to any advantage” he smiled and breathed out “why are you smiling?”

“Because she made it out alive,”

“What do you mean?” I stared to ask but was interrupted when a man walked in through the door at the end of the hall. I shrank back as he walked up to my cell

“Hey douchebag” the guy called, I really have to learn his name the man turned slightly toward him. I shook my head franticly not wanting them to hurt him any more “Yeah that’s right I’m talking to you,” he spat the man turned

“Shut up scumbag I don’t even know why the boss still wants you alive, your basically dead meat.”

“Yeah and so are you, as soon as you lose your usefulness” He said making a sliding motion across the front of his neck with his finger then sticking his tongue out feigning death

“Why you little. . .” The man stormed out of my cell and went towards his,

“Gregg,” the guard in front of his cell held him back “Get the girl to the boss, or you will be dead meat. ‘Specially if he knew you mucked him up” He jerked his head towards the guy in the other cell. Wow I really need to ask him his name… but maybe another time I thought as the Gregg guy grabbed my arm forcing me up and dragging me behind his out of the prison area.  

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