Chapter Thirteen

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****there is some spanish in this chapter so sorry if you don't like reading in another lanuage just read inside the brackets bold writing  for the english version****

"Adri mi querido Sé que estás ahí” (Adri, my dear, i know you're there) “Y si no sale esta chica encantadora no vivirá por mucho tiempo.” (And if you don't come out this little darling won't live for much longer.)

I breathed out through my nose and stepped into the doorway gun poised, and there I stood facing the Serpiente Venenosa. A gang that Kyle and I had taken down in La Coruna, Spain a few years ago.

“Let her go Nigel!” I growled

“And why is that mía amore? Have we hit a nerve here?” I didn’t answer I just gripped the pistol in my hand tighter hoping that at any moment Kyle would come. “Now we are going to leave here and you are going to let us out of here nice and easy.”

“And what would make you think I would do that!?” I spat multiple sounds of laughter came from around the room, I glance around quickly not having noticed that some of Nigel’s lackeys were in the room as well.

“Well mi amore as you can see you are heavily outnumbered and you forgot the fact that she dies if you try anything.” I sighed

“Bien, de salir, pero la dejaste ir” I said (Fine, leave, but you let her go)

“Oh no princess, she’s coming with us.” My eyes widened

“No Nigel me lleve en lugar de ella , usted quiere un rehén llévame!!!!” (No Nigel take me instead of her, you want a hostage take me!!!!) I took a few steps forwards towards the trembling figure of Sam. One of Nigel’s guards tried to grab me, that’s what I was counting on. I swung my crutch beneath his keens making him fall towards me with a grunt of surprise. I maneuvered myself so I would catch him with a gun pointed to his temple and he landed in my arms just like I had planned. “Let her go Nigel or he dies” his stone mask faltered a bit as he looked at the mans scared face, “I will shoot him Nigel!” I warned he nodded and two of his men started to advance towards me from my left. I turned and fired a shot; one of them fell to the ground in front of the other blood slowly trickling onto the floor. Everyone froze.

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