Chapter Fifteen

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****ok so I promised a double update and it's finally here a week later than I'd expected but i was just swamped with assignments at school so i needed two weeks to write both chapters so sorry for the delay but without further delay ladies and gentlemen Chapter fifteen (and sixteen). Thank you soooo much for getting me to 33votes and 900 veiws!!!****

Kyle POV

I was walking back into my room when I heard a gunshot from Sam’s room. I quickly grabbed Adri’s gun from her underwear draw – I happened to be standing next to it – she’s going to kill me when she finds out I took it. Creeping down the hallway it was deathly silent. I got to Sam’s doorway and realized I had forgotten to take the safety off, Damn it! I mentally killed myself, I tried to take off the safety as quietly as I could but the slight click seemed loud in the silence. Then there was a loud thud “Don’t worry princess she be fine. As long as we can come to an agreement” I know I knew that voice from somewhere. I swung into the room gun poised and saw the Serpiente Venenosa; Adri was lying on the floor as well as another man who was surrounded by blood, and Sam; who was being held captive by Nigel himself. As soon as I walked in I shot on of the thugs in the leg, he fell to the ground in pain. Multiple gunshots were fired to the doorway as I dived back for cover. I waited till they had stopped shooting then peered around the doorframe and saw Nigel’s lackey throwing Sam into a helicopter “Kyle, mi hermano. Es Bueno verte de nuevo” (Kyle my brother. Good to see you again) I didn’t respond “Aww don’t be ashamed. I see you’re still following Adri around. Ahh joven amor tan hermoso ¿no?” (Ahh young love so beautiful, ain’t it?)

“You don’t know anything Nigel” I spat coming fully round the corner and shooting the remaining 2 thugs in the room. Breathing heavily I turned to Nigel.

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