Chapter Five (Part 2)

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Kyle POV

I unpacked my bags as Adri was taken to her room a few minutes later I hear her moving around, probably unpacking. I walk into her room and follow the noise to her wardrobe I knocked on the door lightly not wanting to scare her

"Yeah" she yelled

"It's me can I come in?" I asked

"Yes" I pushed open the door and saw Adri staring at me as if I would disappear at any second I quickly took in her appearance she was standing on her injured leg her healthy glow from the sun no longer prominent after spending time in the hospital. Her brown eyes shining as she took a step forwards then she dropped I caught her. What the? I looked up and saw Craig hidden in the corner

"What the heck, DUDE!" I yell-whispered putting my hands up in a shrug "Why did you do that??"

"Don't you remember we have to bring her back" I sighed

"Not yet. Boss said to get her to come in herself."

"Oh yeah that's right, sorry bro" I raised an eyebrow sorry that's all he had to say.

"You better get out of here she'll wake up soon." I grunted standing up and lifting her with me

He shook his head "No way that dart will keep her out for 1/2 an hour, at least."

"you don't know her then" I scoffed, he rolled his eyes and leant against the dresser I turned away and picked her legs up carrying her bridal style to her bed, Craig followed still refusing to leave. Five minutes later Adri stirred and Craig looked like he had seen a ghost, I looked at him pointedly "Leave" I ordered without leaving room for debate. I was still the team leader and no matter what he had to listen to me. I sat on the side of the bed looking down on Adri as she slept well was drugged and forced to pass out, but she didn't need to know that. She rolled over and groaned blinking slightly

"What happened?" she croaked I took a deep breath

"You passed out, I came in and you just dropped" she scrunched her eyebrows together shaking her head.

"That doesn't sound like something that would happen to me" she walked into the closet and stood were she was standing before she fell, turning slowly she surveyed every inch of the closet. "I was standing here right, and I was facing you as you came in" she turned to face me where I now stood in the door way "I felt a slight sting just here" she touched her lower back "Before I blacked out."

"You probably twisted it," I tried to reason she didn't even listen to me

"So if I was drugged the dart would have come from..." she walked over the exact place Craig had been "Here," she crouched studying the area around her "Bingo!" she held up a lighter that had fallen out of Craig's pocket. The stupid idiot, I'll have to speak to him later.

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