Chapter Twenty Six

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Kyle POV

After I locked Adri in the car I went back down to the cells to check on the prisoner and put on the 24hour surveillance so we could watch him while we were back at the house. When I got down to the cells I found the gate swung open with a broken lock, the prisoner gone and a trail of blood leading out of an air vent. I pulled myself up and looked down the air vent on one was there I ran outside and checked the output of the air vent but didn't see Theo anywhere but I did again see the trail of blood he had left behind. Ill give it to him he's really something if he made it through the vent with two injured limbs. I followed a blood trail to a dirt backroad where the blood stopped and was replaced by tire tracks, realisation hit me like a ton of bricks, I sprinted back to the car and jumped in. Not caring if Adri found out what was really going on I pulled out my emergency radio from a compartment behind the steering wheel I cucked it to Adri "Click the button on the left side and say turtle neck cove." I said before she had a chance to ask, she just sat and stared at me. "just do it" I growled she complied and I heard Brodie answer

"Adri! What's happening? How did you get this? And how do you know the code? Over." Brodie became more suspicious by the second.

"I would know if the retard sitting next to me would tell me WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!!"

"Adri we do not have the time right now to be discussing this..." I trailed of when I caught a glance of the look on her face "fine." I sighed "the guy, Theo got away, I don't know where he went but they knew where the prison was they had a car waiting for him. Who knows what else they know. My main priority is to keep you safe so we are going back to your house getting you some stuff and then I am taking you to the point." She nodded tensely

"Did you get that Brodie? Over." There was a small hiss of static

"Yes, are setting up waiting for your arrival. And Alpha team, stay safe, Over" I sucked in a breath the same time Adri did, memories flushed my mind and I could see they were flooding hers too. I shook my head to clear it then turned down the road to get to Adri aunts place, I threw the car in park outside the house and ran upstairs to her bedroom grabbing a duffel bag and throwing two shirts, a pair of shorts and jeans, and underwear into the bag and grabbed her favourite pillow on the way out. As I was walking out to the car I saw a police S.W.A.T team pull up I stood by the window of the car and shoved her head down so she was below the doorframe and put the pillow and duffel bag on-top of her she grunted at me but them shut up as she heard the S.W.A.T team pull up.

Adri POV

Goodness I am going to kill him when we get out of here I tried to breathe shallowly but get enough air at the same time and that was not helped by the fact that I had my head on the seat I was sitting on and a pillow and bag on my back! I slowed my heart beat so I could hear the conversation kyle was having with whoever he had thought was important enough for me not to see. "Officer Mackenzie," a gruff female voice said it seemed familiar somehow "nice to see you again"

"Let's skip the pleasantries shall we Kathy? Everyone knows we don't get along" Kathy that seems – I know that name or something similar to it anyway. Why are you here?" kyle asked more than a little hostility in his voice

"Haven't you heard your girl Adri, was it? How is she? Anyways a report of torture came in an hour ago the guy said a girl and a guy tortured him, said the girls name was, Adri" I could hear her smirking. "Do you happen to know anything about that?" Kyle cleared his throat

"No I don't know what you're talking about."

"We are here to arrest Adri and since she always seems to be with you I think you might know where she is" I sucked in a breath

"No I don't know where she is at the moment she phoned me earlier and told me to meet her at the beach just south from here I can't remember the name she said it started with S or something like that."

Kathy scoffed "Yeah right I bet you were the one with her when she tortured that poor man."

"No I wasn't" kyle defended himself smoothly, not to quick and not to slow, wow when did he learn to do that

"Prove it"

"Ok, about an hour ago I left my meeting that was on for two hours, might I add, after I got a call from Adri telling me to meet her at that beach I told you about. She sounded panicked asked me to pack some stuff for her then take it to her"

"What meeting with who"

"With Beta team and Omega team. Classified but ask any one of them yourself" he reached into the car for the radio I let the speaking button go and handed it to him. "Alpha team here Beta team do you copy? Over" I heard the static again and then Brodie's answer

"Beta team here read you loud and clear, what seems to be the matter? Over"

"Ms Kathy here seems to need evidence that I was in the classified meeting we had about an hour ago. Over"

"Well Ms Kathy Officer Mackenzie was attending a co-ops debriefing about an hour ago is that the proof you need, beta team can vouch for him if need be. Over" I heard the static again before I heard that familiar voice of Kathy again

"No, thank you Beta team, over and out. You better know what you're getting yourself into here Kyle. I don't want what happened last time to happen again" I could literally feel Kyle tense from where I sat scrunched up.

"Don't look for me again Kathy. If Adri's gone over the edge like this I need to find her, and if I find you following me I won't hesitate to show my disapproval." Kyle then chucked the radio back into the car and got in the other side and drove out of the grounds.

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