Chapter Eight

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Kyle pov

While Adri and the others slept I snuck outside to a secluded area with no camera’s I figured it was the perfect spot to meet with the others if need be. I waited a minute before the others turned up

“What did you want to see us about” Craig asked

“You, I told you to leave it to me and what do you do you go and almost break our cover on this whole operation because you can’t listen to orders!!”  I rounded on him, I took a deep breath “No I called you here because she’s onto something, I don’t know what but she is, so I’d like it if you guys stayed on the low down. Go out somewhere or something I’ll call you if I need you.”

“Kye are you sure there isn’t anything else we could do for you?” Mandi took a half step forward looking into my eyes and batting her eyelashes a bit. I mentally rolled my eyes everyone knew she had a thing for me and ever since Adri left she had moved in hoping I would forget about her.

“No there’s nothing else, I’ll meet up with you the end of the week. I hope I’ll have made progress by then.” I sighed “Just don’t be too stupid because I can’t get off this job so I won’t be able to bail you out of jail if you get in” I looked at Craig as I said this

“Ah what are you looking at me for?!” He said “I didn’t do anything!”

Iraised my eyebrow “It’s not what you have or haven’t done but it’s what you’re going to do” I turned halfway then paused “Kerry keep an eye on them” I said then turned and walked away

“I will” She muttered before disappearing with the others. I trudged up the stairs feeling a whole lot more tired. I looked into Adri’s room as I passed she was sat on the window seat looking out the window. I walked up behind her

“It’s hard, isn’t it” she turned her head slightly as I wrapped me arms around her waist “Trying to be normal after coming home from . . . well you know” she made a small noise of agreement I looked down at her “What are you thinking about”

“I’m thinking about when we first met.” She smiled “You were a hostage because you were to damn ignorant for your own good.” I chuckled

“Yeah, I only did that so that you wouldn’t get caught”

“You didn’t even know any backup was there in the first place, when I got you out of the mess you put yourself in I remember saying to you – ”

“Were you born a freaking idiot, or is that just how you act when you’re high” I finished off laughing Adri laughed with me. “Well I’m beat I think I’ll hit the sack as well” I said I gave her a peck on the lips “you want me to sleep in here or . . .” she smiled

“I don’t mind just don’t wake me”

“Yeah cause we all know where that gets you” I muttered walking into my own room

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