Chapter Twenty (Part 1)

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Adri’s POV

I sighed, why couldn’t Kyle just tell me the truth? It was really starting to get on my nerves , I slowly walked down the stairs. What day was it? Wow these past few days had been going by so fast with so much happening I forgot to keep track of the days, rookie mistake, I know but I had been unconscious for I don’t know how long, so . . .

“Hey, Aunt Shelly, what day is it?”  I asked when we were sitting at the dinner table.

“Thursday, 24 March” She replied “Why?”

“Oh just wondering” I said it had been just over a month since I’d gotten to California and I had already caused so much trouble. The room lapsed into a hollow silence, Sam used to always talk at the table. We would all just listen; it was quiet, empty without her here.  My uncle cleared his throat with a cough

“Uhm, Adri your aunt and I have enrolled you into high school.” My face paled slightly although I had never been to high school the thought of queen bees, nerds, and gross sweaty gyms didn’t seem to appealing though I have probably lived in much worse.  “You are going to start tomorrow,” I nodded slowly looking towards Kyle, we shared a knowing look

“Don’t worry A you’re stuck with me, where you go I go.” Kyle said I glared at him, I hate that nickname and he knew it I once beat up a fellow soldier for calling me that. He had three broken ribs a fractured wrist, multiple bruises and a broken ego.  The rest of dinner passed by without hassle at nine as usual me and Kyle went to bed, surprisingly although all I have practically done for two days is sleep I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and fell into a restless sleep.

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