Chapter Twenty Eight

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I couldn't help it I freaked, I pounced at the girl as I passed Kyle I grabbed hi knife and I shoved it deep into her arm I pulled it out then plunged it into her other arm. "Don't ever touch him again otherwise you'll get a lot worse, understand?" she nodded then I felt a small pinch on my neck damn I pulled out the dart before I slipped off the girl and fell down.

I was running downstairs when I heard the front door slam I raced down thinking it was dad, but instead it was a strange boy. He came towards me smiling "Hey Adriana where's mum?" I shook my head

"No I no tell you, she not your mum. She mine" I thumped my chest the boy laughed

"Let's go find her together then, ok?" he said and took my hand when he touched me I screamed. Mum came running through from the kitchen but when she came into the room she froze,

"You're back, my baby boy." She gasped and embraced him I went behind her and tugged on her skirt.

"Who's he mummy?" they both knelt down to me

"Adriana, this is your brother, Hunter. He has come back from a training camp he went on 2 years ago don't you remember?" I thought back trying to remember this stranger, but I couldn't find anything. I shook my head.

"But I always wanted a brother." Hunter leant forwards and gave me a hug,

"Why don't we go outside and play?" he asked I nodded and he stood up and took my hand leading me outside.

Then everything changed the ground covered in grass started to morph into a campsite, and the closer Hunter lead me the closer I got to the beginning of the end.

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