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•third person pov•

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•third person pov•

People were shouting, dancing, chilling in that particular house of her so-called friend. She was sitting there, on the corner of the birthday party.

Did she wanted to go there? No. Unwillingly, she was being brought by some students of their class.

Everything was spinning to her vision. Probably because of lack of sleep. Some of them might thought it was because she drank too much. Little did they know she has a low alcohol tolerance.

Yes, she's a minor, but again, her double faced friends forced her to drink at an outing. She was tired of them, tired of everyone.

For once, at least for once, she wanted to feel how being loved is.

She doesn't have real friends, everyone is after her money. Not her's but, her dad's money. He owns almost 10 restaurants in the whole South Korea and even a trade Center in Tokyo.

He rarely visits them. Are they happy? No. Just a pile of numbers in their bank account. As they said, money can't buy happiness.

She have no idea where her mom is. Died? Left them? No one had told her about how she disappeared.

She stood up, and walked passed by some classmates and also people who she doesn't met before. She headed directly to the door and went out of it without informing anyone.

Then she received a call from someone. When she saw the name, a bitter smile was formed on her face.

-incoming call-


Accept | reject

"Eonnie please please pleeease can i go to Dami's house for a sleepover? Please." Yeji said on the phone.

She was 3 years younger than her (2007). She is the only reason why she's still smiling till today. She loves her. More than anyone in this universe.

"Suddenly? Why?" She said on the phone.

"Eonnie i know you won't say no. So im going bye" She said on the other side. She can just feel happy hearing her voice.

"What if i say no huh? What if i miss you? " She said, still smiling.

"Park Sera, we can meet tomorrow again dear eonnie"

"Yah you don't have the right to disrespect your elders understand? " She said with a serious tone.

"Ah ne ne. So, you gave me the permission right? " Yeji said.

"Okay you can go" Sera spoke on the phone. She heard a beep on the phone, informing that the person had ended the call.

Right after that she heard a bullet sound from the other pathway on the road. *bang bang bang*

She was being curious about who would play at this hour. She peeked from the wall, to mention, not wanting them to know she was there. She could see a blond hair guy was holding a gun and another guy was laying dead on the road of blood.

But then she accidentally hit the trash can with his feet and a loud thud was heard.

The blonde guy rapidly shifted his gaze to her direction. But luckily she managed to hide. He went to the place where she was but nowhere to be found.

"Tch idiot" He said as he saw a shadow of a girl with shoulder length hair, standing on an alley.

Without making a single sound, he went there and trapped her between his arms.

Her breath hitched as she saw him with only few inches between them.

"Playing hide and seek huh? Tell me what are you doing here" He went back a little.

"None of your business" She folded her arms and said.

"You saw everything right? " He asked her.

"Yeah so? Wanna kill me too? " She was pissed off.

He pulled out his pistol and was playing around with his fingers. "Should I? "

 "Should I? "

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Yes. It is the side view of the birthday party in drunk-Dazed mv. But the birthday person was the girl here.

Thank you for reading🐽

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