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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

"isn't she that ajjuma who tripped on you foot!?" Yeji asked out loud with her eyes widened which let him to laugh out loud.

"Kang Seolji, did you just heard your kids calling you ajjuma??" their eyes widened while he was busy laughing his asses off while holding his stomach.

"eomma?" Sera muttered while cupping her mouth and tears started to form in her eyes. So as Sunghoon and Yeji. How much they wished to see her.

Now as she was finally standing infront of them, they didn't know how to feel. It was some kind of happiness and sadness combined.

She ran to her and was going to hug her but she was interrupted by her dad pulling her by her arm to stop her.

"uh wait, why are you in a rush dear?"

"leave me alone-" she struggled to get herself off his grip but he was too strong and made her to accidentally fall down instead.

Sunghoon knuckles hardned and was going to help her but Sunoo was faster.

"Sera are you okay?" Sunoo asked while hugging her.

"look who's here, I didn't know that you got a boyfriend without telling me, Sera." He suddenly gripped Sunoo's shirt and looked into his eyes closely and whispered, "so it's you? Mr. Kim's only son, am I right?"

"you're weak" he said before throwing him into the ground but was greeted by a punch on his face which let blood to come out from the corner of his lips.

"are you insane!?" it was Sunghoon. All these times he was just trying to calm himself but he was too much to handle, he could not hold it anymore.

"are you okay mom?" at that time when they let go of her mom, Yeji ran to her and landed with a tight hug on her chest.

"Yeji?" she cried while caressing her face.

"you dared to attack me? Choi Hyunsuk come out" he wiped away his blood and stood up straight.

"why would i?" Hyunsuk scoffed and questioned sarcastically with his eye brow raised.

"did you just-"

"you're being too much you know?" Sera cut him off.

"you thought we won't know? That you just threatened them with their weakness to get them help you? Why would you do that? Oh, I forgot, why would you even care about them even if you don't even know what are we doing, how are we feeling, are we alive or dead. You made use of my mom after killing Sunoo's parents."

"and Sunoo, of course I love him, I love him a lot more than you! And he's not weak you know? You've killed many people without a proper reason. You thought you're a king, like, living in the Jason eras?"

"You let us grew up believing a lie. You abandoned Sunghoon oppa. Mom barely managed to hide from you all these years because she was tired and afraid of being abused by you. Was it fun? Do you really feel relief after doing these things?"

"you are dirty, disgusting and gross! I'd rather pretend I don't have a father than having you." Sera said with her tears falling down her cheeks and her jaw.

"BITCH YOU TALK TOO MUCH" a slap landed on her face.

"BITCH YOU TALK TOO MUCH" a slap landed on her face

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i mean, a triple update

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now