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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

It was past midnight. Sera was asleep but woke up when she feels her throat drying up. She searched for the water on the room which she was in, but unluckily there wasn't a drop of water.

She could stand up and walked around because the boys didn't tied her again after she got to remove the ropes.

Maybe they aren't that bad, but why does they kept her here? They could have just let her go, you know.

She knocked on the door which was locked from the outside and called for them.


Maybe no one was there. She sighed but then she suddenly wanted to pee too. She banged on the door several times and she sighed in relief when she heard footsteps coming from outside and the footstep stopped infront of her room.

"Hey? Is anybody there?" She tried to peek through the door, but was useless.


"Don't play with me. I seriously wants to go to the bathroom. And I'm thirsty too. Can you let me go?" She said in a begging tone.

No answer again.

"I'm not joking. If you don't believe me, you can wait outside the toilet. I won't go anywhere. I promise. " She said, her eyes widened when the door was finally unlocked.

But soon disappeared when she saw the person, wearing all black and putting on mask. He felt suspicious.

"Excuse m-" she was cut off by a pistol aiming at her torso.

She gulped and was scared as hell.


Nugu saeyo?°~°

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Nugu saeyo?°~°

BTW 4 updates!

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now