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-Sunoo's pov-

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-Sunoo's pov-

What? She really said yes!? She's my girlfriend!!?? Jajajskskkadjjakns omg omg omg.

I jumped on my bed as i didn't know how to react. I cuddled my pillow and suddenly laughed like an idiot would do.

I took out my phone from my pocket and. You know what'll do.

I squealed wheni changed her name from Sera to something new. I know it's cringe but, yea-


Uh- Sera?
You're not asleep yet right?
I miss you


Why is that so lame-
Say something sweeter

I miss you alreadyyyyyyy

Im screaming inside jdmsksksk
I miss you too Seraaaaa

But Sunoo,
do we need to keep our
relationship secret? From the

We should tell them,
I guess?
Yk i can't keep secrets from them

Me too.

Can i ask you something?

Of course!

I told Sunghoon oppa about
this but i haven't told to anyone yet,
not even Yeji.

When i was kidnapped, my dad
was the one. He said that he didn't
killed my mom and that, kinda
expressed that she's alive.

Do you think, i should go and
search for her?

Of course you should!
But don't dare to go alone
or without telling me.

And i think, the others also
should know about this.

Why would i do that?
Sunghoon is there and that he'll tell
you all but i told you first.

Is that what you saw in
your dream too?

It was related to that.
And Sunoo, words can't describe
how much i want to thank you.

So as me.
Its late now, sleep.
And dream of me<3

That wink—
My heart TvT

I tossed my phone besides me and cuddled my pillow as if i was cuddling her. Why is she so cuteㅠㅠ . I became whipped again-

Without knowing, i fell asleep after imagining fake scenarios— well, you do that too. Yes you.


-next morning-
-Sera's pov-

I woke up from the bright sunlight entering from the window. Gosh how much i hate this. It always ruin my sleep.

But then when i sat up straight, i remembered what happened last night, i suddenly smiled at myself with my messy hair.

While i was still smiling with my eyes closed, i fell on the pillow again. I want to sleep more.

The door opened revealing Sunghoon, i mean i didn't saw him but he's always the one who wakes me up so. I pretended that i haven't woke up yet.

"Yah Sera wake up" i opened my right eyes a little when i heard that the voice was not Sunghoon's.

It was Sunoo.

I quickly got up and blinked my eyes multiple times that it was him or not. "What are you doing? The breakfast is ready already. " he chuckled.

"O-oh. You go first. I'll wash up and come later. " Gosh why is this so awkward? Is this how geting into a relationship feels like?

He smiled and walked away, not forgetting to close the door.

Im feeling hot.


"Yah, you two. Don't go anywhere without telling me again. You made me feel so worry you know." Sunghoon said, taking the side dish sith his chopsticks.

"What? They went somewhere last night?" Yeji asked and i just smiled innocently, not knowing how to response.

Sunoo was sitting near me so he placed lots of pieces of meat on my bowl suddenly which made my eyes widened.  "Eat all of these" he said.

Then, all the eyes went on us. Are they? Suspecting us right now?

"What?" I looked at them and blinked multiple times as if i was clueless.

"Why are you two...........suddenly.........becoming this sweet to each other?" Jungwon asked. So they really are.

"Don't tell me that you are................dating?" Jake pointed at us with his chopsticks. O my god.


"Do you think we'll believe that? We're not that clueless" He shrugged and continued without listening to what i was about to say. The others including Sunghoon and Yeji also shook their head and continued eating.

"But, we really are" Sunoo said, WHAT? HE REALLY SAID THAT?

"Oh" they all said and gave no reaction.

But when they realized what Sunoo said just now, they paused and their eyes widened. "WHAT!!!???" they all said in unison and I pressed my lips and tried to avoid their gaze. Sunoo was just like, 'i don't care'. I-

"When did this happened!? Why? How? Where? "

"When did this happened!? Why? How? Where? "

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