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-Sera's pov-

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-Sera's pov-

The sun sets with a glimmering light entering from the window, and filling the place where i was sitting. The whole day, i didn't eat or drink. My stomach hurts. For how long do i need to stay here!?

I want to go home.

I want to go to Sunghoon.



I looked up at the celing and unknowingly my lips shuttered, letting me know that tears are gonna come out of my eyes. I bit my lower lips to prevent myself.

But my eyes are always too weak in situations like this and i couldn't hold it longer. My eyes became teary tinking of the others who might be searching for me right now.

The door suddenly opened which startled me. My gaze lowered to his face and i don't know how i feel right now.

Park Jeongwoo?

What's he doing here?

And also,

with foods?

I have so many things to process, my head is going to burst. When Yoshi said this is done by someone im close with, does he means him? This Jeongwoo right in front of me??

I feel suffocated.

"S-Sera are you alright? " He asked.

"W-were you the one who kidnapped me? Who is planning to keep me away from my siblings? " I questioned back in a shuttering voice without replying to him first.

"Sera-yah it's nothing like that—" He tried to sit infront of me but i pushed him and he landed on the ground.

"Don't make me fall for that innocent face of yours. I trusted you as my best friend. " I said in a different voice which might hurt him a bit, i guess.

"Sera, let me explai—"

"why did you do that tho? " I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's not because i wanted to do! I don't want you to get hurt and i care for you! I really do! But while i care for you, my sister matters too! " I got startled by his sudden scream. And also after what i heard, i felt a little, guilty. His sister? What does it have to do with me and her sister?

"What? What did you said? " I questioned again to be sure of what he said.

"I was bound to do that. If i didn't, my 8 year old sister will be in danger. I don't have a family like you all except her and i don't want to cause a scratch at her body. Im sorry" He suddenly cried. Now i feel more guilty.

"Yah why haven't you told me about this? " I questioned and tried to pat his shoulder but i hesitated and pulled my hand back.

"How could i? " He sobs.

"Can I......... ask who is that? I mean........ whose order are you following? " I asked.

"You dad. " My eyes widened in confusion and angerness. Why my dad again? Why?

"Park Taehan" He continued, looking at me. 

"What? Yah are you really telling the truth? " A tear drop fell.

"Have i ever lied to you? " He chuckled with teary eyes.

"No way........ Why? " I cried again questioning.

"S-since the day he knew i was close to you, he kept on controlling my whole life. Every single step. " Jeongwoo said, stuttering his voice.

"Im sorry"

"Sorry for what? " He asked.

"For everything"

"Yah, you don't need to be sorry for a single thing, you didn't did anything wrong. " He chuckled at my words. But i really meant that.

"But why does he keps on following me? Can't he just leave Me, Sunghoon and Yeji alone? What's the use when he doesn't even love us........" My voice slowed down at the end of my words. Not because i wanted to, but i suddenly felt weak.

"I know, how can he his children when he doesn't even love my mom...... " I continued and burried my face on my palm to hide my teary eyes.




-third-person's pov-

While they were eating dinner full of worries and tensions, Niki's gaze landed on Sunghoon, he was holding his chopsticks and picking up a rice and then dropping it, and then picking up again.

"Yah hyung, you're not even eating....... why are you playing with your food?" He asked in a low tone cause not a single soul was available in the house.

"I have no appetite. " Sunghoon responded with no energy. Anyone could easily say that his mind in blank right now, not being able to think of anything.

"Don't worry, we'll surely find her okay? " Jake said, patting his shoulder to comfort him. Best friends indeed.

But someone was being annoyed by almost everything. He couldn't think straight nor take a nap or do anything properly. Obviously it was Sunoo.

"All of you have been saying that since yesterday! Im so annoyed! " He suddenly stood up and busted out loud, following by leaving the dining room and back to his room to sit infront of his computer again.

"Sunoo hyung! " Jungwon tried to call him but it was useless. Sunoo is like a real brother for him and he knows mostly all his habits and little things of him. Mostly how he felt about Sera.

Lol ykw? Whenever i thought of Sera's dad face claim, Ju Dantae keeps on popping inside my head lmfao

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Lol ykw? Whenever i thought of Sera's dad face claim, Ju Dantae keeps on popping inside my head lmfao.

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