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-Sera's pov-

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-Sera's pov-

I ate the food which Jeongwoo gave me and dozed off as it was night time already.

I guess they're keeping me here till this century ends. Or maybe, till doom takes over the world(?)

I woke up from the footsteps approaching me and the light switched on. It hit my eye lids and it fluttered by the sudden brightness falling over my face.

I opened my eyes in a slow motion to wake up property just to be greeted by that boy
0 from the morning. Yoshi, was it?

"Somebody wants to see you. " He said and handed me his phone.

His hand was still on the air untill i grabbed it.

I flipped the phone to see that it was in a video call.

That also........... my dad.


The least person i wished to see.

Yoshi left the room and didn't forget to lock the door. Do i needed to say this?

"It's been a long time, my princess" He said with an amazed tone, emphasising the word 'my princess'. Did i like that? Not an inch.

I sighed and didn't talked back.

He just fake a  smile randomly and said, "I heard that you found your brother. It's good. You did great. "

He paused for a second and continued, "so, why don't we live like how we used to live when you all were kids? What do you think? Its a good idea right? "

"Don't ever think of doing that. Im happy, living with my siblings and i bet you'll be happy living alone too right? " I scoffed and replied to him with sarcasm.

He pressed his in a thin line and said, "I don't want to say this but, "

"Don't act like your mother dear" He said, emphasising every sing word he said.

I hurted me.

It really did.

"Did you really hated her that much that you really needed to kill her!? " I fired back with tears started to form on my eyes.

"You have everything you want!" I screamed, but i was cut off my him.

"Lower your voice in front of me! " A tear drop fell but i didn't cared but continued,

"Houses, lands, companies, money— did she really worth less than these things?— "

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! " He screamed on the phone and i got startled. I kept my mouth shut, knowing that i was also the daughter of a monster. I shouldn't act like this.

"How many times do i have to tell you that, I DIDN'T KILL YOUR FUCKING MOTHER. " He said.

"Did you expect me to believe that? " I asked.

"I don't know if she's alive or dead right now, but i didn't killed her! You can search for her the whole Korea or maybe, the whole world! You may find her, i guess, like how you did with your brother!— " He fired back but i quickly ended the call and stood up.

"AH!!! " I threw the phone on the ground and it broke into pieces.

I wipped my tears from my cheeks and started walking around the room and fidgeting with my fingers.

I couldn't stay calm after hearing his voice or what he said. It burns my brain.

Worrying for everything, i started to sweat too.  Sitting down on the  carpet floor, i hugged my legs and burried my face on it.

I tried to process everything he said, did he really meant that?

That my mom is somewhere on this earth?

I need to tell this to Sunghoon.

I need to get out of her!

I ran to the door and slammed it with my whole strength, "Can you open the door!? "

No answer.

"Let me go"

No answer again.

"Please let me go" I cried, landing on the floor but still banging on the door with the strength I've left.



-Sunoo's pov-

I layed my head on the table and fidgeting with the little pikachu toy i took from Sera's room without telling her.

I guess i really do like her.

Like alot.

*beep beep beep* wait, its the notification on my computer right?

I looked up and saw that the vehicle which we were tracking, the location was being found!

I widned my eyes and read the location, "Van no, 5673, was last found on Incheon!? "

Why did they even went that far?

I quickly stood up and ran to the living room where the boys were. "GUYS! I FOUND HER!!!!! "

 "GUYS! I FOUND HER!!!!! "

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Yay! Sera is found! ;)

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