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-third person's pov-

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-third person's pov-

"Yah dont ever think of kissinggg!!" sunghooh said watching the two running away with holding hands, he sighed.

"teasing him is so fun." sunoo let out a chuckle while closing the door of her room.

"well i guess too hehe"



Sera layed on her bed with her eyes wide open and looking at the ceiling. to be honest, she looked like she have no soul. She wasn't thinking or something but that's because........... she couldn't sleep. Well your author does that too.

She flipped on her chest and took the phone from the table. She thought for a minute that she should do it or not. Finally with a shrug, she turned on her phone and waited for like a second till the beep ends. 

She was greeted by a deep and lazy voice, "Oh Sera.......what is it?" It was Sunoo.

"oh, did i woke you up?" She asked.

"it's okay........why are you still awake? is something bothering you?" said the person on the other side.

"ani(no) i just cannot sleep.... sorry for disturbing you...............i didn't know that you went to sleep already" 

"aye you don't need to apologize for nothing. Want me to come over?"

"No it's okay-" She was cut off by a beep, which means he ended the call already. 

She sighed but suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She got up from her position and went to open the door. The door revealed Sunoo of course.

He came with his messy hair and obviously his smile couldn't be missed out.

And not only that, he even bought his Pillow!?

'Is he really gonna sleep here!??' Sera thought.

"yahhhhh let me in" he whinned. Sera shook her head and went to her bed following by him.

He flopped into her bed before her. You know what he did? With his arms wide open, he gestured her to cuddle him. Well Sera guessed that too but was a bit hesitant at first. She thought it was a bit early for this touchy things which the older people do.

But to Sunoo, it was nothing other then a two young love birds enjoying their time together. It's not that they would do something illegal. You know that too.

Sunoo saw that and just pulled her with her wrist without asking for her permission, causing her to perfectly land on her chest.

"let's just sleep like this tonight" 

"by the way, what if Hoon finds out about this?"

"he won't." he smiled and paused for a second, "i guess i'll just need to get up before him(?)"

"Do you want to watch a movie? or drama?" Sunoo suggested. She thought for a moment and just nodded happily. Words can't describe how much they were thankful for each other. Single asses like you and me can't relate. Yes you.

She stood up to get her laptop from her study table and browse through some dramas because both of them likes watching that.

"Do you want to watch Penthouse?" Sunoo suggested with expecting eyes.

"Oh my gosh how can i forget that the new episode was airing tonight. Sure let's watch that." Sera said. Everyone watch Penthouse for their own risk lmao.

The scenes went smooth and they didn't even realize the time because they were too into that. It feels like they were about to go inside the screen.

Suddenly a kissing scene came. And you know, that was what going inside Sunoo's mind too. How much he wants that but too shy to ask them for that. Poor him. If it was me i would just yk attach my lips with his. Sera is too boring.

"Sera-yah.............i want that...... too." how much courage does he donated to say that lmao. 


"a.....kiss?" he looked away being embarassed. Thanks to the light which was turned off. Or he would be so much more embrassed.

She leaned and kissed his cheeks to tease him. "I mean on my lips. It's so boring......i only gets cheek kisses." He pouted. OMG so cute TvT

"Sunghoon said no kisses or he'll kill you" She chuckled.

"let's just disrespect him for today" He said and leaned forward to perfectly land his lips on hers.

"let's just disrespect him for today" He said and leaned forward to perfectly land his lips on hers

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Dirty mind donation here lmao.

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