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-Park Sera's pov-

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-Park Sera's pov-

7:02, Sunghoon is not at home right now, he went out without even informing me. I feel like taking bath so i went to Sunghoon's room with my clothes for changing, but then i realized that i didn't know the passcode of his room. Great.

I looked around and saw Sunoo coming towards me with his phone on his hands. His room was right next to Sunghoon's.

I quickly approached him and smiled at him. "Hai! "

"What do you want? " He eyed me.

"Yo bro wassup. Can i use your bathroom? " I smiled and said, shaking his shirt.

"What? You can just use Sunghoon's. Go away. " He pulled away his arm and opened the door and was about to close it but i clutched the handle and got in.

"Yaaa you don't understand the situation. Let me just use" I said, not looking at him but walked to the bathroom.

"Yah yah! "


I was washing my hair when i heard footsteps. "Is it Sunoo? " I asked myself and just shrugged it off. But then,

The light went off.

And i heard that someone was banging the door hardly. Is this a haunted bathroom or something!?

I tried to move with shampoos all over my head. My sight was all

"YAHHH! " Somebody screamed and i screamed too. "YAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! "

The shampoo went to my eyes and i slipped on the floor. "OWW! My hips! I think that my backbone is broken! Ow "


-third-person's pov-

"Niki ! " Sunghoon's hands were on his hips and looked at him seriously.

"How many times do we have to tell you to not play around again!? " He continued. The other members were also there at that time.

"I thought it was Sunoo hyung so.... But why was she at Sunoo's bathroom? " Niki said looking at his feet, not wanting to look at him because he just hurt her sister.

"I guess we need to fix that bathroom now. Tell uncle about it" he sighed.


"Yah yah yah not there! It's hurts " Sera screamed at her sister who was putting ice pack at her hips.

"Here? " Yeji asked.

"A little better. "

Niki was looking at her with an apologetic face. She understood that he was just a kid who likes to do mischievous things. She smiled and shook her head, to indicate that he don't need to worry.


She travelled her eyes from the floor to the end of stairs which lead to the floor where their rooms were. She sighed, "Do i need to climb here? " She said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Hop on" Somebody unknown said and when she looked at him, it was Sunoo, bending his back for her to hop on it.

She was surprised to be honest.

Why would he do that?

"You don't want a help? Then im going—"

"No no thank you" She said, putting her arms around his neck and her legs balanced by his arms. He stood up straight and climbed the stairs with her.

She pressed her lips to prevent herself from smiling and she really looked like a Koala.

She realised that her heart started beating fast and was scared that he might feel that too. So she tried holding her breath.

This kind of feeling, she never felt it before. It was something new.

He opened the door and let her sit on her bed, "don't walk around too much, it might worsen"

"Wait, did you just cared for me? " She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I didn't" He said looking away.

"You just did! " She clapped her hands like a child.

"I didn't! " He fired back.

"Ok never mind, thank you! " She showed him a finger heart and winked at him.

While on the other hand, there was Sunoo who could feel her cheeks burning. He tried avoiding his gaze and left the room without talking a glance at her.

He shut the door and breathe aggressively and fanned himself with his hands, "Why am i suddenly feeling hot? "

He shut the door and breathe aggressively and fanned himself with his hands, "Why am i suddenly feeling hot? "

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