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-Sunghoon's pov-

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-Sunghoon's pov-

"Hyung that's enough." Sunoo said and pulled me away.

She's so annoying. She didn't even did anything to me but her face, it feels like I've known her. Weird.

Seriously, I hate this feeling. I feel like I need to remember something but something is stopping me from remembering it.

It feels frustrating.

I stomped out of the room following by Jake behind me. " Yah hoon, what happened?" He asked spinning me around.

"Nothin-" my head suddenly hurts causing me to almost faint on the ground, but I got a hold of Jake's arms.

"Bro what's happening to you. Let me take you to your room first" He said and carried me to my room.

My head still hurts. Without wasting a second, I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling. What's happening to me?

Jake came back with a medicine on his hands with a glass of water and handed me those. He looked at me weirdly.

"Is something going on?" He asked with curiosity in his eyes. But I don't even know how to respond to this.

"I don't know. It's frustrating" I said running my fingers through my hair. It's a habit of mine.

"About what?" He said.

"Her! Park Sera!"

"Hey boy, do you know her before?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me like he was gonna eat me.

"How would I? Aish forget that. I need to sleep." I said putting the quilt over my body, covering my head.

-third-person's pov-

Jake ignored the thought and was heading back to his room. Right before the door, he found a piece of paper, a torn picture, to be exact. "What's this" He said, which could be barely heard.

He picked it up  and it was Sunghoon's picture, with his mom. It wasn't knew for him because Sunghoon always look at it whenever he feels sad or depressed. He says it used to calm him.

"He's so careless" he said before placing the photo back to the table and went out of his room to continue the work he had been doing before.




' "sunghoon-ah run away!" She begged him, connecting their hands together.

"But how can I leave you and my sisters?" The 9 year old guy cried while hugging her mother. She patted her back to comfort him but she end crying too.

"Don't worry about us ok? I'll bring your sisters and come after you. But you need to go first." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She removed the tears on his cheeks with her thumb and said with a bitter smile, "even if you are not able to find me anymore, remember to protect your sisters. Come and find them. I believe in you"

"eomma-" He didn't finish to say when footsteps was heard. Closer every second.

"go away! We're not safe here!" She pushed him outside of the window and continued,

"Take care of your sisters" it was the last thing she said before a bullet rushed through her torso.


"Hyung. hyung. Sunghoon hyung. Wake up" the younger boy said, looking at the older's sweaty face with tears on his cheeks.

It was a nightmare.

"Niki, what's the time now?" He said, rubbing his eyes.

He checked his phone and answered,  "10:37"

"In the morning?" He asked.

"Yes and get up. We have a sudden mission" niki pulled by his arms and said "today"

"What do you mean today? We always do our missions at night right?" He finally stood up and put on his slippers.

"Boss didn't inform you?" Niki asked, his hands on his pocket and with a lollipop tucked on his mouth.

He checked his phone and, 15 missed calls, 9 messages. He checked the message and sighed.

He sighed again and quickly got changed into a descent turtle neck shirt with trouser. Yes, The mission was related to that.

I need to read more mafia books or gang, etc

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I need to read more mafia books or gang, etc. now :D

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now