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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

Just after the manager got out of the room, yea, it's time to do their work. 

Sunghoon and Jay quickly went through all the files and papers of the office' bookshelves to get that exact piece of document. And Jake was checking the computer files, to see if there were any evidence or something.

Something related to Sera's mother, or, their family.

They have a limited time so they were quiet worried because the document was still not in their hand. But they were pretty sure something related to their family must be here as this used to be his dad's office before.

Jake took a glance at outside the office just to see the manager and his assistance arriving from afar and poked his inner cheeks with his tongue.

He signaled the other two to hurry up and that exact moment, Sunghoon noticed something which stuck between a notebook.

He took out and it turned out to be a Polaroid.

"lets get out of here" he said and took the notebook with him and ran away with Jay and Jake jumping out of the window as soon as the manager entered his office.

His eyes widened to see the messy files lying on the floor and saw a glimpse of them after running and looking outside the window, there were no shades of them anymore.

How fast did they went?

That's a point to think unless somebody notice them just under the window, sticking to the wall to hide.

"tell the guards to follow them, now! im coming too." As soon as he said that and his footsteps faded away, they rolled out of the shelter and you know, jumping through some roofs and stairs until they reached the ground where their bikes are waiting for them patiently.

They put on their helmets rapidly and started their engines. They were like, having a race with their rivals following them.

Thanks to luck that they got away from them because of some gatherings of people. They couldn't just harm people for no reason so the vehicles who were following the three, left behind and they got out of that situation safely.

Everything became like a stroke of luck.

After driving for like 20 minutes more, they reached their base and pulled off their helmets and got off their bikes at the parking lot.

"Sunghoon are you okay?" Sunghoon was greeted by a hug by Sera.

"told ya, nothing would happen to me" he winked, earning a punch lightly in return by her.

"don't always be so random"

"where's sunoo?" Sunghoon asked as soon as he laid a footstep inside the living room.

"Sunoo? He's in his room. Why tho?" Jungwon answered. He and Ni-ki were playing video game by then.

"oh, Is he doing fine?" the older boy asked again.

"you're being weird." Sera looked at him with folded arms. 

But instead of replying first, he dragged the young girl away from them to his room, leaving the others except Jay and Jake, clueless.

"im worried about him more now. We need to talk about this first."

"what is the thing that you have to drag me here??" Sera asked while folding her arms while looking down at her brother who was busing flipping some papers.

"Break up with him."

double update yeah!

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double update yeah!

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