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-Sera's pov-

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-Sera's pov-

"Hyung what are you doing here? I've been searching you for so long. " Another person appeared with a gun on his both hands.

"I had another business to take care of" He said, tossing his pistol.

"Wait- who's this? But that's not the problem here- " He raised hi eyebrows at me but soon disappeared.

*bang bang*

"Oh holy shit!" They said at the same time.

i was almost shot by that and then the next one, the bullet would have been shot on my chest, but it was that blonde guy who pushed me. I remember i was being hit by a vehicle. After that my vision got blurred and I couldn't remember anything.


My head was aching so much and was spinning that i thought the whole world was gone. I tried to open my eyes but i could only see a thin ray of light, traveling through the room. "Where on earth am i? "

I tried to stand up but my legs, even my hands were tied with a rope. I could feel there was a bandage on my head too.

"Holy mf what is this!? Hey whoever is there, let me go will you? " I shouted, calling for someone. Especially that Sunoo guy, because he was the only one I remembered the last time.

"Yah! You jerk! " I yelled again and I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Stop shouting bitch this room is not a sound proof you know" He came inside the room and said. I remembered him too. Last night.

"Oh you're that Grey haired guy right? " I asked.

"Yes, should i be happy that you remembered me? And my name is not Grey haired guy, it's Niki. " He said sarcastically and looked at me seriously.

"Did i told you to be happy? No. And whatever Niki or blabla get me outta here, will you? " I looked away, ignoring his gaze and said.

"Shut your mouth bitch" He said and right then, he received a call from someone.

"Oh hyung she's awake" He said and kept his phone back to his trouser pocket.

After waiting for a while looking around the ceiling, some guys entered the room which startled me.

"Annyeong" the shortest amongst the guys said with a smile. I ignored him and looked away.

"You don't want to talk?" He sat down, facing me and said.

"I'm Yang Jungwon" He smiled and then soon disappeared when I didn't took a glance at him. I kept on ignoring them without talking. They didn't left me but stayed on their same places for too long that it annoyed me.

"Yah stop talking and let me go. It's not that I did something wrong. What do you get from keeping me here? " I said in an angry tone.

"Ah so you can speak? I thought you were mute " Another guy said and chuckled whith his hands on his pocket.

"You can go. If you can" that guy named Jay said, I heard his name when they were talking on the phone. I looked at him seriously. And he just chuckled.

"Yah Jay hyung, What if she go to the police station? She seriously saw us." Sunoo sighed and sat on the bed which was behind me.

"I was kidding" Jay said sarcastically.

"Yah I'm not that stupid. I won't go to the police station if you let me go home" I scoffed and looked away.

"And why should we trust you?" Niki said and bend down at my level.

I kept quiet.

"Yah what's your name?" This boy who looked like a prince leaned closer to my face and said. Tbh he looks ethereal.

"None of your bussiness. " I said in a nostalgic way.

"I'm asking you. I don't know why but I'm so annoyed by your face. " He raised my chin and made me look at his eyes.

His eyes.

Looks so much like dad.

"Sunghoon hyung" sunoo said and tried to pull him away but failed.

I ignored the thought and replied,

"Sera. Park Sera. And what would you do?kill me?"

He looked closer at my face and said, "If I could, I would." And chuckled taking out his gun, aiming at me.

I gulped. I trembeled in fear. I was slowly becoming scared and terrified. I wanted to die before, but not this fast.

 I wanted to die before, but not this fast

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