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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

The sound of the siren in the middle of the night produced by the vehicle of the cops and the ambulance echoed Sera's ears after tears started streaming down her cheeks like a waterfall.

"y-yah Sunoo get up! Open your eyes!" she cried while placing him in her lap and hugging him while sobbing loudly.

When she thought she was the one who was dying before, Sunoo pushed her away and let the bullet went into his torso instead. Little did she know that he would never ever let her to get a scratch, letting her die was grown on the sky because he just love her so much.

The cops arrested her dad and the other people who worked with him. Sunghoon was badly stabbed by a knife on his stomach while protecting the others and he had a severe blood loss which let him to be unconscious too.

"sunghoon, s-sunoo why??" she caressed his cheeks before they carried them in the ambulance because they need to treat them as fast as possible.


It was such a heart breaking day.

She was thankful, that they were able to win, but didn't thought any of this would happen. Only if this was just a dream, but it was all reality. It really hurted for her to see them in pain. She even blamed herself for all those things saying that it happened all because of her.

The other members needed to be treated their wounds too, so as the little cuts she got, but she resisted to listen to them. All she did was crying on her mom's embrace and she and Yeji comforting her on the bench outside the surgical room.

She only wanted to see Sunoo and Sunghoon's face again. That was the only thing she wished for.

The surgery was quiet long and it was almost 4am when her mom kinda like, begged for her to go home and get changed into some comfortable clothes because she haven't changed till now and the blood stains were still there.

She didn't wanted to go, but what could she do? Jungwon and Yeji took her home and helped her clean the mess. And when they went back to the hospital, the sun arose already.

They arrived at the exact moment as the surgeon coming out of the operation room.

Tear of happiness filled their eyes as soon as he said that both Sunghoon and Sunoo were ok and the surgery went well. Its just that, they'll need time to re-gain consciousness again and a longer time for them to recover.


They got shifted to their cabin after few days but they were still unconscious. Most of the nights she spent by sleeping there while the others did some kind of rotation to visit them. Of course she understands that they're buys but they never forget to visit them.

But she always had a schedule, will stay at the hospital from 1pm to 9am' that never changed.

Days turned into a week, and a week turned into weeks, everything was still the same and they still haven't made any progress.

She used to miss them like crazy. Not just her, but everyone missed them.

Sunghoon's prince like face and his playful and savage personality was a worth missing. Sunoo's pretty eyes and his fluffly lips- she always gives him a peck whenever there were no one inside the cabin, and their fingers always interwined which fits exactly with each others'.

Sometimes she secretly cries whenever she misses them so much.

Sometimes she secretly cries whenever she misses them so much

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