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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

"Sunoo-yah" Sera looked at his mesmerizing visuals and he hummed as a response. He looked at the sky full of stars and the beam of the moonlight hit his cheeks which let it glow.

The scene was very breathtaking.

"Thank you" She said and his eyes landed on her flawless beauty.

"For? " He questioned.

"For.......... everything. " She pressed her lips in a thin line and smiled at him. He chuckled, not knowing how to response.

He was whipped for her, tbh.

"Yah, do want to eat ice cream? That one shop is open! " She suddenly suggested and stood up from the bare grass where they were sitting.

"Hmm okay! " He said.

"Wait for me here. I'll come back in a minute" Sera said and went running to the ice cream parlour. It wasn't not far from them.

He kept on waiting for like 5 minutes until she came. She ran with a slow speed to protect the ice cream and herself from tripping.

"Sorry for letting you wait for long. There were people lining up. " She explained, sitting down on the grass near him and handed him the mint choco flavor to Sunoo and she ate the chocolate flavor.

"You know what? I'm willing to wait for you for more than a long time, as long as it means you'll come back." He smiled.

"You don't know how worried i was where you were not with us. I couldn't sleep, nor eat or do anything properly. I felt like—

" I felt like i was the one who was lost. I didn't felt like talking and when i found you, i was so happy that i couldn't say in words nor describe it. "

"I felt this since i met you. This feeling,"

"The feeling of loving someone and willing to protecting them "

"I like you. " He paused, "No i love you, Park Sera. " He smiled of satisfaction that he was able to tell her true feelings about her.

To Sera's perspective, it wasn't expected at all. That he would think of her this way. She always thought that she was the one who felt that way but it wasn't.

She pressed her lips in a thin line before speaking, but she was cut off because she could speak.

"It's ok, if you don't feel the same way. I'll keep on liking you even if you don't have that special feelings for someone me. I can understand that, cause it's my wish to like you at first. " Sera chuckled at his words.

"Yah, i haven't spoke a word" She said chuckling and he did too.

"Honestly, i like you too. No, i love you" His eyes widened, not believing what she said just now.

"Are you—" He was cut off by a peck on his cheeks which led him to be red like a tomato after that.

"So................are we....? Dating now? " He asked smiling like an idiot.

"Well, i guess? " They were a blushing mess but to turn away the awkward moment, Sera suddenly stood up and pointed at the other side. "We....should..... go now. Sunghoon must be angry. " She suggested.

Sunoo responded with a nod and stood up too, and intertwining their hands, they walked to the place where they kept their bike.

It was an unforgettable night for the two lovebirds.


"Where did you went? " Folding his hands and leaning on the door frame, Sunghoon asked with seriousness in his face.

Sera stretched her nape and answered in a low tone, "u-uh for eating? Ice cream. "

"Don't make lame excuses. Yah Kim Sunoo, where on earth did you took her? " He leaned closer to Sunoo and Sunoo leaned back, avoiding his gaze.

"s-she said already, for eating ice cream" he responded, laughing nervously

"YAH YOU TWO—" He was cut off by Sera pushing him away from the door and running to her room. "Somewhere you won't know! " She shouted while running and Sunghoon looked at her in disbelief.

His gaze turned to the other guy with his nervous laugh.

He sighed with his hands on his hips and let him in too.

"Don't do anything stupid with her." Sunghoon said and he went running to his room just to jump on his bed and smiling like a idiot.

Same goes with Sera. *sigh*

Our freshly couple💅

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Our freshly couple💅

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now