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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

"Sunoo-yah-" the way how he looked like, is enough to tell the siblings that he heard all their conversations.

"tch that was funny." He said and closed the door again, leaving them. She fell on her knees and cried. She seriously have no idea of how she would face him from now on.

It was hard for her to admit that she used to love the boy whose parents were being killed by her own dad.

She felt like she doesn't deserve him at all, even an inch.

It was hard.

Time passed as both the lovers or wretched hearts locked themselves in their own room. It was half passed 12 at night already and they skipped their dinner too.

Sera was just laying on her back and reading that diary. Every word she read, she felt more and more guilty. Although she have done nothing wrong, it was not easy to handle the pain.

She didn't know, that her love's family was their family's rival. She didn't know, her dad killed them just because of money? Because of fame? and her mom used to suffer everything of the demon's works?

And Sunoo- he was lying on his bed with no energy and was like a lifeless body. He felt like his life was a whole lie.

He accepted, he can't just take out his anger and revenge to someone he love and to someone who treated like his own brother and the other one, was just a kid.

He love them.

The others got worried so Ni-ki and Jungwon decided to check on them.

Ni-ki stood outside of her room with two plates of food in his hands, "noona. Sera noona? Can you open the door? Please?"

"We are so worried about you. Aren't you hungry? Im so hungry right now, I didn't ate anything before cause it was so boring without you. I only wanted to eat with you. Lets eat okay?" he said but didn't got any response from her.

"Sera-" he was cut off by the insider.

"ni-ki yah, go and eat alone, im not hungry." She replied in a weak voice.

"noonaaaaa im not sharing my video games to you if you don't open right now okay? Jay hyung cooked samyeopsal for us. If you don't come out in 3 then I'll eat everything and give you only the plate. Okay so 1, 2, 2 and a half" he whinned. "come out!".

She got up and finally opened the door for him and said, "you're really annoying you know?" she chuckled.

"I know! And I'll keep on annoying you until I die." He stuck out his tongue and sat on her bed comfortably.

"yah don't dirty my bedsheet"

"don't worry, I won't"

"btw, how's Sunoo?"

"Sunoo hyung.................." he played with his food as if something bad happened and was not ready to tell her.

"I don't know. Jungwon hyung went to check on him." He smiled innocently and she scoffed at his childish behaviours.

" He smiled innocently and she scoffed at his childish behaviours

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i really got into it lmao-

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now