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-Sera's pov-

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-Sera's pov-

I saw myself in an unfamiliar place. Cold wind was blowing along with the splashing of water against the rocks. Then i realized i was standing at the edge of the cliff.

My not so long hair was blowing with my bangs as i rubbed my eyes as my vision was blur due to some unknown reasons.

And when i opened my eyes, i saw a women, Sunghoon and Yeji tied in a rope with guns pointing at them. I guess she was my mom. But i couldn't see her face and it annoyed me.

I felt like i was the only one to save them.

My Dad approached them with a sheepish smile and aimed at them. My heart raced. I tried to move and run to them and protect them.


I was freezed.

I couldn't move.

I tried very hard to move and when i was able to,

It was too late.

Three bullet shots.

I fell on my knees and cried my lungs out.

-Sunoo's pov-

I walked pass by Sera's room on my way to the kitchen. I heard sobs. I was so worried that i opened the door as it was not locked.

She was laying on her bed, cuddling her pillow with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Did she had a nightmare?

"Sera. Park Sera. Wake up" I sat down at her bed and shook her arm but she didn't react.

"Yah, You're worrying me. Wake up. " I shook her arms a bit harder then she opened her eyes.

She sat up and directly fell on my chest. She was still crying.

"I-it was a nightmare right? " She asked between her sobs. I patted her head and said, "don't worry. You're just dreaming"

But she was still crying.

"Yah im here now. Don't cry like a baby. " I said and creased her face.

"Im just scared. " She paused, "that it might happen in reality"

"Umm do you want to clear your mind? " I broke the hug and made her look into my eyes.

" How? " She asked and pouted. So cute TvT

"Let's go" I held her small hand and dragged her with me.

No one will know cause it's already late. It's like seeking out.

Going down the stairs, Heeseung greeted us. Great. "Where are you two going? "

"Yah talk slowly. " I whisperd and he tilted his head in confusion.

"Hyung, my lovely hyung, please don't tell anyone that we're going out! Please! " I said in a low voice and he just shrugged and chuckled.

He didn't said anything. But i trust him.

We walked pass by him and i took her to the garage.

Her jaw dropped when i came with helmet and bike. "You- mean- we- will- ride- here-? " She asked and pointed at me and the bike, stopping at every word.

"Don't ask and just sit here" I pulled her by her wrist and gave her a helmet.

She put that on and sat behind me and she said, "Yah im not trusting you. It's your fault if we have an ACCIDEnT—" Her voice cracked up when i started the engine. We didn't even move an inch by then.

"Hold me tight" I chucked at her. She slowly wrapped her arms around me. I got butterflies. Suddenly.

"Okay let's go"

The whole ride she tucked her head on my back with her tight grip on my body.

She's so adorable.

After like 5 minutes of ride, we reached the Han river, but in a little hidden side where not many people visited. I stopped the engine and we got off.

"I almost scared to death. " She said putting her hands on her chest.

"I told you to trust me. " I chuckled.

"But is this the place where we were going? " She questioned and i nodded.

"But it's nothing here—" She said looking around the grassy land.

I just smiled and went a little far from her. I sat down and glided my hands on the grass.

Fireflies lit up from wherever my hands went.

I looked at her and saw her face in a 'aww'. She covered her mouth with both her plams and her eyes, god must have loved ger so much that she kept the whole universe in it......

She jumped in amuse and ran through the grass, following by the brightly flying fireflies at the dark which lit up the whole place.

How much do i love her?

I guess I'll do it today(?)

Be ready for the next chapter\^^/

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Be ready for the next chapter\^^/

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now