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-third person's pov-

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-third person's pov-

She layed infront of the door with no energy. It was past midnight already by then, but then the door suddenly opened.

Revealing Jeongwoo.

What now? She thought.

"Sera-yah, I'll get you out of here don't worry. " He suddenly said in a low tone so that no one will be able to hear.

She was shocked. Why would he do that?

"I want to go out of here too but— what if my dad do something bad to you? " She said in a worried tone. She was happy, as well as not so good about that.

"Don't worry about me, just think about yourself. " He replied sitting infront of her.

"Why would you do that? I don't want you to get in trouble because of me!" Sera whisper yelled so that the others won't be able to hear them.

"You matter a lot to me. And i really do care for you. " He smiled and patted her head like a puppy.

"But— my brother and the others will find me sooner or later. You getting yourself into trouble! " She said, almost crying.

"I want to help you. Let me. " He responded and held out his hand for her to hold it.

She thought for a while.

But eventually she grabbed his hands and stood up.

Of course because she trusted him. As a friend.

Because he also trusted her too, but in a little special way than her which she didn't know.

They tip toed and walked through the dark corridor with no sound in the thin air.

But because she is Sera, she accidentally touched the flower vase with her arm.

It fell.

But luckily Jeongwoo caught it right before it reached the ground.

They let out a deep sigh in unison.

As it was dark, they couldn't even see their own hands. Jeongwoo let her clutch his shirt as he thought holding her hands would be uncomfortable for her.

They walked further then a few footsteps could be heard by the two teens which startled them. She covered her mouth and had big eyes.

While she thought she was still walking behind Jeongwoo, she was lost. Her fault that she left holding him by his shirt. Great.

Sera wondered around, searching for Jeongwoo and then suddenly her hand was pulled harshly by someone inside a room and the door was closed.

She tried to remove his grip but it was too tight and her energy went in waste. "Let me go! " She whisper yelled but he didn't listen to her but rather pulled the shorter girl closer by her waist, letting her bumb into his chest.

She was surprised of their sudden skinship. Like, who wouldn't?

"Shhh.....Sera, it's me " He said in a low voice near her ears. His voice. Her eyes rounded when she knew that she could easily recognise him.

"Sunoo? "

"Are you alright? You didn't got hurt right? " He asked and she didn't know that she forgot all the pains in her bodies and felt safe in his embrace.

It bought her butterflies in her stomach.

"Im ok now. " She replied calmly.

Sunoo removed his hands from her as he thought she might feel uncomfortable and also remembered that they need to get out of here.

But Sera didn't felt uncomfortable at all. Rather, she felt safe.

He peeked from the door to check if there was someone on the way. Luckily no one was there.

He held her hand and went out of the room. They were halfway out of the building when somebody saw them from behind and the guy shouted, calling the others.

Their eyes widened and started running as fast as they could. They almost reached the exit of the huge building when another guy was there before them and he hit Sunoo's face causing blood to come out from his lips.

Sera widened her eyes and covered her mouth when she saw that scene. She got so angry that she took a flower vase and hitted the boy. He screamed in pain and fell down on the tile floor.

Her gaze left the boy lying on the floor and turned to the direction where Sunghoon and Jungwon came rushing. So as the other boys.

But far, at the other side, the other members of Treasure came too, she couldn't see Jeongwoo tho. What if he gets in trouble because of them?

Sunghoon held her hand and rushed out of the building, following by the boys.

They were almost out of breath when they reached their cars and luckily the Treasure members could not catch up.

Taking the chance, they quickly starts their engines and got out of their reach.

Did they gave up? No.

They kept on following them by their bikes. It was like a race tbh. Race in Olympic lol. Sorry back to the story.

They took different turns and round and round so that they would be confused. Thanks to luck, they got out of their reach.

"T-they are not following us anymore right? " Sera said almost crying because of how scared she was.

Sunghoon was driving with Jake on the front seat, so Sunoo and Sera were sitting together at the back.

Sunoo patted her shoulder slowly to comfort her. He would definitely hug her right now if Sunghoon wasn't there. Yes, thanks to him, ig?

I really did wrote that—    👄👁👄

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I really did wrote that—    👄👁👄

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