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-after 2 days--third person's pov-

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-after 2 days-
-third person's pov-

Cool wind blew through her hair and face as she opened the window near her study table. She felt relief for some reasons that she too didn't know.

Her phone vibrated, lying on the edge of her bed as a notification popped up. Sera flipped the phone with her soft hands just to see a message from Sunghoon.

"Come to the training room:) "

"Huh? For what? " She muttered to herself.

Putting on her slippers which was underneath her bed, she went out the place where she was asked to go by her brother.

Passing through some other rooms, she stood in front of the door which was indicated as 'Training room'.

Sera wondered what does that supposed to mean. Without hesitating, she clutched the door handle just to greet by the 7 guys in the huge room who looked like some kind of heavenly creatures.

Are they even real?

Some were practising some skills like shooting, and aiming. Some were with the boxing bags and some were just doing their own businesses which she decided not to mind.

"Have you ever thought of this? " Sunghoon came towards her with a smile.

"Uh- what? " She was confused of what he was talking about.

"I want you to try these out" He made his bread face and slightly nodded, looking around the room.

"Try out what? " How dumb is she that nothing goes inside her mind?

"Defending yourself? There used to situations where you need to protect yourself rather then others. " Sunghoon said, slightly hitting her shoulders with his.

Her eyes widened and for some reasons she was excited. Means, because she have never tried or even imagine doing these. "You mean, I'll do some boxing with you!? Or do some Taekwondo? Or-"

"Come on! You're being to excited. " The older one dragged her chuckling.


"Is this how you do? " She asked looking at the same aged boy who was standing besides her.

Sunghoon was suddenly called by Leejun so he needed to go. He asked Jungwon to take care of her instead as Sunghoon thought it would be important to meet him.

"Relax your arms" He said pulling her arms a little lower.

"Now? Is it right? " She asked.

"Well, your postures, it's better now. Now do the aiming. Look through the scope." The kitten-like boy said and helped her a little with it.

"Okay" She responded, pulling the trigger.

"Shoot" As he said, she pressed her finger and the bullet rushed through the dummy's arm, almost escaping from it. She sighed, not really satisfied with it.

"Ah it's okay, you did great for the first time" Jungwon gave him a thumbs up as an approval.

"Really!?" He nodded with a wide smile.


Okay! I got this, Watch me now! " She said with a wide grin and cleansing her fist as if she was going to kill people for real.

"Sure! " Jungwon said and she started putting the gun in the position and started shooting till the bullet was all gone.

"You're a fast learner, i agree to that" Jungwon let out his palm for a high five and she accepted with a wide smile plastered on her face.

No wonder they are at the same age.

While on the other hand, there was Sunoo, who just rested after a long race with himself on the Threadmill. He sat down on the floor, taking a glance at the only girl through the glass wall.

Even he doesn't know why was he doing that.

Drinking the water from the bottle, he mumbled to himself saying, "Why are they smiling so much? duh"

He tried to put on a poker face but he cannot stop taking a peak at her. "When did they became this close? " He said to himself but got startled when Jake suddenly came in front of him.

"What? " Jake asked.

"Ah nothing" He replied shortly and left the room without taking another glance at her.




-scene transition-

"So, you're saying, you still couldn't reach her? " A man from his late 40's said, slightly chuckling on the phone where they were talking.

"A-ah yes sir" The oldest one said with sacredness in his eyes.

"I THOUGHT I TRUSTED YOU, JERKS! " The other guys who were standing almost in a circle got startled because of the sudden scream. Of course, he told them to keep in a loud speaker so that everyone could hear what he was going to say.

"We're sorry sir, but we'll try to keep a track on her as soon as possible" One of them said, looking down like the not-so-old man was in front of them right now.

"You better not disappoint me. Remember our deal? " He chucked through the phone, echoing through the whole room.

"A-ah y-yes sir. We remember that! "  They all replied in unison and with a beep, they did nothing but keep quiet.

"Yah, don't stay here but do your works! " The oldest one ordered them and they politely left the room leaving the frustrated one.

Of course, they were all  angry and frustrated, he is the one who always used to carry all of them behind his back.

Arigatogozaimasu for reading lol

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Arigatogozaimasu for reading lol

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