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-third person's pov-

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-third person's pov-

"yah, he is literally crying right now! Where are you?"

"what?" she laughed, "don't worry, im outside the hospital now, don't tell him anything okay?" she said and ended the call.

She was so happy to finally see him, and talk to him again. She was dressed prettily with a bouquet of flower in her hand and wore on her smile.

She walked pass by people after people and took a deep breath when she was outside their room and she chuckled after hearing Sunoo yelling at them.

She opened the door and Sunoo's gaze turned to look at her and her eyes widened.

"Sunoo is having a mental breakdown somebody help him!" Heeseung said and the rest busted out laughing.

"YAHHH! THAT'S NOT FUNNY! I HATE YOU ALL" he said and drowned himself inside the blanket. He got out of it again and saw that Sera was standing beside him and scoffed before he said, "and you too huh!" before covering himself again.

he really was like a kid.

"aww is ddeonu upset? Does he hate Sera?" she asked cutely after placing the bouquet on the table.

"Oww! my eyes!" ni-ki dramatically said before looking outside the window and started reading newspaper like an old man would do.

The others got out of the room while playing around with each other leaving only Sunoo, Sera and Sunghoon who just dozed off. Just how many hours can he sleep?

Sunoo removed the blanket from his head and sat up straight, "Kim Sunoo is angry because of Park Sera. So to be forgiven, she must do something to make him happy again. Or she might end up being ignored for 1 whole week!!!! Any objection!?" he said, making Sera chuckle.

"do you even know how many weeks did I stayed without you huh?" she laughed at him but he just grinned before answering.

"tch there's no fun playing with you."

"but playing with you was fun tho."

"hey bub, did you thought I won't remember how many times you kissed me when I was in coma?" he smirked while Sera's eyes widened. How did he-


"was it like, 20 ti-" she cut him off to protect herself. How on earth would he know that-

"Yah i- i didn't!" she said when he pulled her by her arm and she landed on top of him. Their faces were inches closed and Sera's face started heating up and formed a light pink shade on her cheeks.

"yah, can you at least not do this in front of me?" Sunghoon threw a pillow at them and scoffed.

"sleep sleep" Sunoo recklessly answered with a smile and Sunghoon poked his inner cheeks with his tongue before answering him.

"how can I when you are THIS loud-" he was cut off by Sunoo who pulled the opaque cloth partition between the two beds. They forgot about that.

He smiled at her before placing a peck on her lips.

"how did you know?" She asked sitting on the chair near him.

"know what?" he questioned.

"my k-kiss?" she whispered. Or Sunghoon would yell at them again.

"oh. That was easy. I simply guessed lol. Because I knew you would definitely do that. How does it feels to have a handsome, talented, and smart boyfriend?" he ended with a wink and a scoff left her mouth.

"did this drama ended?" Jay stood on the door frame while the others ended up laughing when he almost fall while trying to lean on the door.

Just like that, the days went on with more love and more friendship growing deeper between Sera and the other boys too. But who knows? That they might have to end this gang and start a new life by going different ways? No one really expected.

But, in one or the other way, it had to be ended. And a new life got started by each of them. It was such a beautiful memory of youth they created by being with each other and helping each others through their hard times.

Memories that can't be forgotten.

Memories that can't be forgotten

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