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third-person's pov-

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third-person's pov-

"Hoonie, I want to bath, is the bathroom near my room working?" Sera said while walking along with her brother.

"Ah that? I guess not. It hasn't been used for so long and also I think the pipe has been cut off there. You can use my bathroom instead." He said and opened the room, his room.

"Really? Then what about my clothes? I'm seriously still on my uniform— " Sera looked at his outfit which she was wearing since 2 days.

He pointed at the closet.

"Ok thank you." She smiled and directly went to the bathroom, not forgetting to close it.


She took out some oversized shirts and tied Sunghoon's pants with shoelaces to fit her. She laughed at her reflection on the mirror.

"At least I can stay like this for 1 day. " She nodded her head, agreeing to herself.

"1 day?" Sunghoon suddenly sat up from his bed and looked at her, confused.

"I'm going home tomorrow. For bringing Yeji and my clothes." She gave him a smile.

His eyes widened, "Don't ever think of going alone."

"Who said I'm going alone? You're coming with me." Sera said.

He let out a sigh, which confused Sera.
"I'm nervous. "

"What? Why would you be? Aren't you happy that you'll be meeting her?" She said and sat near him.

"I am. But what if she doesn't wants me to be her brother?" He looked at his fingers while playing it it.

"Oh come on. Chill bro! She would love you" She gave him a thumbs up to cheer him.


"Yes. I promise."

The door opened revealing Jungwon, with a panting face.

"Hyung, we just found traces of the drug owners and the root of their businesses. We need to go now. We can't loose them anymore"

"What? Where?"

"Itaewon-ro 27-gil. It's not quite far from here. "

"Ok I'm coming. " He said and took out his black leather Jacket from the closet and went out with Jungwon, following by Sera.

"Sunoo, you do the tracking of the cctv cameras tonight. Jake can come with us." Jungwon, as the leader, said and Sunoo nodded.

"I'm staying with, her?" He asked, referring to Sera.

"Is that even a question?" Sunghoon said, and Sunoo just faked a smile.

"Come back fast" Sera said as the 6 boys left. Sunoo also, without saying a word, left to his room.

She was quite curious about them. I mean, very much. She clutched the handle of the door then she remembered something.

"Yah Kim Sunoo" She took a few steps from her room and reached his room. The door was slightly opened. She just pulled the door and entered without his permission.

"Don't you have manners?" He said, not looking at her.

"Says the one who didn't close the door himself. Yah can I get back my phone?" She folded her arms and said.

"Jake hyung kept is somewhere. I don't know where it is." Sunoo said, not paying attention to her.

"Yah how come you don't know?" She stomped in annoyance, knowing that she has nothing to do.

"Can you please keep quiet?" He spun around and looked at him with his fox eyes. "If you're bored, just sit around or something. But don't disturb me." He was focused back on his computer and left her speech less.

She just sat on his bed, doing noting. She was like a statue for like 5 minutes.

To be honest, he was more disturbed.

He spun around and looked at her figure, sitting idle on his bed, "Yah, don't you have something to do? You're presence is disturbing me. Oh sorry, your existence. "

"Says the one who told me not to do anything duh. "

He sighed and took a chair from the corner and put it near him. "Sit here"

She raised one of her eyebrow and just followed his words. "What now?"

He gave her his another headset and told her to look at the screen. "Wow is this where Sunghoon went? " She said and went closer to the screen where different boxes of screens were there, cameras.

"Are you gonna dive into the screen? " He said and pulled her chair.

"Do you have to pull me like that? " She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yah can you two shut up? We can hear all your voices. " Jungwon said. Everything was new for Sera, she was amazed by all these things tbh. Its like a whole new world for her.

"Don't say useless things anymore and try to take a look at us. After some days you'll need to do this too. " Said Sunoo.

She took a glace at Sunoo who was focused on his work and got startled when he suddenly spoke after a long silence, "Yah Niki! Don't open that door. There are lots of people there. " He said and Niki removed his hands from the door handle and went to the other direction.

"And Jay Hyung there are two guards on the next floor, you try to toss them away. You can see Sunghoon on the right corner. "

"No. Jungwon no. You'll be trapped. Find another way to enter."

"Wah this is interesting. Its just like a movie–" Sunoo suddenly removed his gaze from the screen and came closer. Their faces were an inch apart which led Sera to hold her breath.


My love for you is just like diarrhea

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My love for you is just like diarrhea. I just can't hold it.

This pick up line😌✋

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