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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

5 years later.

Two young girls in their school uniform waited outside of the door with their phone in their hands while giggling and whispering something to each other. It was obvious that they were from high school.

"excuse me, is it okay if I have your number? oppa?" she smiled brightly and handed her phone to the ethereal looking guy with his white coat on and his stethoscope hanging on his neck.

"hmmmmm.........I don't have a phone." He smiled innocently but it was so very obvious that he was just lying.

"heol.........oppa, then you don't have a girlfriend right?" the other girl asked and when he looked around, his gaze met the person who was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed, he tilted his head and gave his bright smile to the students before speaking.

"maybe I have?" he said and walked away from them just to hug her pretty yet gets-jealous-a lot girlfriend. He knew how she would feel again. It was a matter to believe that fate was by their side which let them to be together till today.

"what's with the sudden visit huh? Missed me much Author nim?" he asked while cupping her face and left a kiss on her forehead afterwards.

It was such a grief sight for the poor girls who he just left them hanging and watching the scene just now. They left the place while pouting. May god bless them afterwards lmao-

"of course I did, Doctor Kim. Why did you even became a Doctor? You don't even get time to spend with me" she pouted while he just chuckled and pinched her cheeks.

"yeah I know, not like you who just type on your computer whenever you want right?" says him while they walked along the hallway.

"don't underestimate my works. I got a called from the editor and publishing authorities before I came here saying that they would complete editing my book into the manga version after I update the last chapter. And the last chapter or the epilogue will be updated tomorrow!" she squealed and started jumping out of happiness.

"I still have 5 chapters left to read tho." He said in a low tone because he thought she would smack his head again. She does that everytime whenever Sunoo doesn't catch up with her updates. But she didn't hit him this time.

"you can read it at night? Or? Whenever you want?" she answered and Sunoo had his eyebrow raised.

"thank you, although it was a weird suggestion- and hey! I wasn't a crybaby at all but why did you wrote so many scenes of me crying huh!?"

"you cried a lottttt."

"not at all"

"your shift ended right? Lets go and visit them" she smiled warmly at him while he was confused as hell.



"why did you wanted to come here?" he asked as they walked passed by graves after graves with hand in hand. They were at the graveyard and Sunoo was curious why did she suddenly wanted to come here?

They stopped when they found a specific familiar cemetery. It was Sunoo's dad, and next to him, was his mom. He had his eyebrow raised when Sera sat down on the grass with her knee and taking out two roses from her side bag, she placed them on each one.

"you wanted to visit them?" Sunoo asked while bending down to her level.

"or what else would i do if I come here?" she chuckled.

"eomma, appa, do you know her?" he paused while giving them his warm smile. "she is, ummmm she is the girl I always talk about to you. Sera, is her name. After you both left me, I thought I was also dead by inside, but she always kept me alive. Meeting her was like finding a treasure of love and happiness. I love her, and I'll always do. She doesn't only care about herself or me, but you too. Look, she even bought me here today." He chuckled while she was pressing her lips in a thin line, nervous and shy.

It really felt like he was really introducing her to his mom and dad face to face.

"to be honest, I really want to marry her, as soon as possible and spend the rest of my life with her. And leading a small family with her, is always my dream. It is okay with you right?" he asked with sincerity in his eyes.

"yah" Sunoo turned his head to her as soon as she called her.

"what?" he asked.

"I love you." She pouted and said.

"I know. I love you more. And you know that too." He ruffled her hair while smiling and the time went by just like that. They didn't even realized the time and it was evening already and they decided to leave the place with their hands interwining.

 They didn't even realized the time and it was evening already and they decided to leave the place with their hands interwining

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epilogue will be aired tomorrow hjdtwjfjgvjkwuf

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