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"you're coming tonight right?" Sunoo asked on the phone

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"you're coming tonight right?" Sunoo asked on the phone.

"tomorrow? Where? for what?" she tilted her head being clueless.

"you didn't read our group chat? Jake and Jay came back to Seoul and we're having some kind of you know, reunion." He laughed. "Ni-ki will be there too!"

"oh really!?" she asked and he nodded happily although she wasn't able to see that.

"I'll pick you up at 6. Is that okay?"

"of course! I love you, and im at SNU right now, waiting for Yeji. Oh there she comes I'll call you back later! Bye!" she said and ended the call.


-time skipped to 5:45pm-

"Sera-yahhh, when are you coming out?" he asked while scrolling through his phone while sitting on the couch. He was dressed a little simple, yet formal and stunning outfit and his forehead exposed to look more manly.

"wait! One minute!" she shouted from her room while she was fixing her hair and taking out the necklace he gave from inside the drawer.

She tried putting on but she just won't get it right. Just at that time the door knob opened revealing Sunoo. "oh Sunoo can you lend me a hand?"

"as you wish." He said and stood closer to her when he realized that it was the necklace with a tiny moon he gifted her on her birthday. He helped her with that and afterwards back hugged her, whispering something in her ears.

"so pretty." He said while looking at the mirror.

"thank you? I guess?" she smiled warmly and held is hand.

"im talking about the necklace. No wonder I choosed that." Her smile turned into a frown when he said that.

"we're breaking up. I don't like you. Bye." She loosed herself from his grip and pushed him away.

"I was kidding! You're prettier okay? I bet next time I give you a gift, it would be a ring instead?" he wiggled his eyebrows before running after her.

"shut up we're getting late." She slapped his arm playfully and went out of her house to his car.


They were meeting up at Jay's villa, near the beach. He offered her a hand before she got out of his car as she was wearing a heel and he didn't wanted her to step on something she could fall, because, yea she did that once before.

She smiled and accepted his hand when they were greeted by someone, "what took you so long huh?". He was on his suit and they thought he was someone else before noticing his face. Well, it was Jungwon.

"wonnie! I missed you!" she let go of Sunoo's hand and was about to hug him when Sunoo just- you know, he hugged him instead while trying to prevent her from hugging him. "how've you been Jungwon?" She scoffed and folded her arms while walking away from them and went pass the villa and to the backyard of the house was where they were meeting.

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now