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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

"Yah Sunghoon hyung!" Sunoo came rushing to grab away his pistol and looked at him with worried face.

"Are you serious right now-" He was cut off by Sera's words.

"Where's the bathroom?" Sunoo pointed at one door, not quite far from them and she rushed to open it. He chuckled at her, but soon disappeared when he remembered the situation.

"Yah Hyung, do you even know who she  is?" Sunoo said, shaking his arms to let him wake up, as if he was dreaming or something.

"I don't know! I don't know who she is, but she made me this! I can't even focus on my works! And I hate my mind! I want to remember something! But it's not letting me" He sat down on the ground, almost crying.

It was late at night so Sunoo thought they would disturb the others that's why he dragged him to his room, Sunghoon's room.

He made him sat down on his bed and told him to look at him. "Look at me, you want to remember something right?" Sunghoon looked at him, not trusting him at first but he pretended.

Sunoo stood up and went to Sunghoon's table to take the torn photo. He quickly opened Sera's phone and scrolled to the picture they saw before with Jake. He compared them and Sunghoon's eyes widened.

It's the exact pair.

If they were connected together, it would be the whole picture.

"She's your sister. Apart from her, there your another sister who lives in this town! Do you..........remember something?" Sunoo asked him curiously.

On the other hand, Sunghoon was still processing all the words Sunoo had said.

He slowly remembered everything.

His dream last night.

It wasn't a dream.

It happened in real.

"I think you should apologize to her" Sunoo said in a low tone which was barely heard.

He chuckled with tears on his cheeks. He was so happy, but also angry at himself.




-next day-

Sera heard a knock on the door which startled her. Nobody ever knocked before, they would just unlock it and enter without permission. After all, who was she to permit them?

"Who's that?" She asked.

"ehm it's me" He opened the door and said, it was Park Sunghoon. She suddenly remembered the scene last night. It startled her a bit. Also she was feeling uncomfortable.

He showed him a paper bag and she looked at it suspiciously.

"Do you like Jjampong?" He asked and her face brightened up.

"Jjampong? For me?" She asked and Sunghoon showed her an awkward smile.

'What is he up to?' She thought.

"Uh I'm here to apologize. I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't know what I was doing" He finally said and hopefully Sera understood him.

He isn't really bad.

He handed him the jjampong which he bought and she excitedly opened the lid and digged in. He was happy to see her like this.

"Sera-ya" He sat on the carpet, near her, watching her eat. He smiled.

"Hmm" She said while eating

"Do you.......perhaps.....know me?" He asked but got surprised instead when she heard her answer.

"My biological brother named Park Sunghoon?"

"Wait- who told you?" He gaze traveled through the window to her and she stopped eating.

"I didn't mean to but I accidentally eavesdropped you last night. I lost my way. And also, Sunoo came to visit me in the morning, talking about this." She smiled in a nostalgic way.

"Ah its ok" He said.

"He's not really bad though, like when I first met him " she mumbled to herself but accidentally she said it too loud.

"Who?" Sunghoon looked at her causing her to shut her mouth.

"Kim Sunoo" She replied and continued eating.

"Don't get really close to guys. They'll get you into trouble "

"I know"

"Btw opp- it's weird to call you that. Nvm, what really happened? How did you got Separated from us? From me, Yeji and Dad?"

"I don't remember everything, I was only 9 years back then, you were 7 years, and Jiji was only 4." Sunghoon said, looking at the ceiling.

"Jiji? You remembered that name?" Her eyes widened at the mention of her name.

"Of course I made her nickname as jiji. And yours was......umm....Ramyeon. Seramyeon. " He giggled when he saw her expression.

"I still don't understand why on earth would you give me that nickname?" She pouted while eating and looked away.

"You're still cute." He chuckled.

"I'm feeling, angry at myself. I feel sorry for breaking mom's promise. I broke my promise to keep you and Yeji safe and to protect you. It was her last wish from me.....I couldn't even found you....." Tears started to form in his eyes causing Sera to stop eating and turned o look at him.

"Hey look at me, you don't need to feel sorry for anything. We found each other right? Your sister is here. Infront of you. " she wiped away his tears and the two got startled when the door opened, revealing Jungwon.

"Sorry to disturb your brother sister moments but Boss needs to see both of you" He said, still on the door.


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