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-third-person's pov-

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-third-person's pov-

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me! I helped you all the way here! " Jungwon whined sitting on the couch near Sunoo.

"Because it just happened yesterday! " Sunoo said.

"Yah unnieeeeeeee you said you only love me then why do you love Sunoo oppa moreeee? " Yeji clinged to her sisters arm and pouted.

"YAH YOU TWO! REMEMBER THAT I DON'T ACCEPT THIS RELATIONSHIP AT ALL! " Sunghoon came out of the kitchen after doing the dishes with his hands on his hips.

"Yah hyung................. You know i love her. Alot" Sunoo pouted, pulling Sera closer to him.

"But still! Aish! You're stressing me" He said and left to his room.

"What's happening to him? " Heeseung asked looking at Sunghoon going away.

"Yah hyung, you believe we can date right? " Sunoo asked to Heeseung. He just looked at him with no emotions and said, "i don't know? You're young"

"Yah! "


Sera was laying on her bed and watching dramas when someone knocked on the door. "Who's that? " She looked at the door and asked.

The door opened revealing Sunoo with a wide smile on his face. She sat up straight and smiled at him too. "Why are you smiling like that? " She asked

"Just because? " He shrugged which led Sera to scoff.

He sat on her bed and hugged her. She didn't know why was he even doing that. You know, clueless. But just hugged him back.

"I just wanted to see you" He said, patting her silky smooth hair.

"Why do you like me? " Sera suddenly asked. They let go of the hug and Sunoo pressed his lips together to think.

"Ummm because you're the one and only Park Sera! " He said which led Sera to chuckle.

"Heol that's lame" She pouted.

She didn't know but Sunoo always finds that so adorable. Sera whined when Sunno suddenly pinched her cheeks.

It turned red.

"Yah! It hurts! " She playfully slapped him and Sunoo being Sunoo, he faked cried as if it was paining.

"Shall i cure it then? I have a medicine! " Sunoo, excitedly said with all the stars in his eyes. She slightly nodded.

He quickly pecked her cheeks where he pinched earlier.

"Ya—" She was interrupted by Yeji dropping a pack of chips. They were surprised how they didn't know thar when Yeji entered.

"O mai gad! i came to take my Molly but i end up seeing unholy" She said closing her eyes and took the stuffed monkey from Sera's table.

"Im telling about this to Sunghoon oppa" She continued and ran away with the chips and monkey. "OPPA! "

A/n: that one annoying sibling we all have *sigh*

"YAH PARK YEJI DON'T—" She sighed at her annoying sibling running away to her brother's room.


Sunghoon let out a heavy sigh before speaking, "Park Sera! Im telling you, you're too young for this! "

"Some of my classmates have their boyfriends since 5th grade—" She looked around his brother's room trying to avoid his gaze.

"We're not young tho- " Sunoo said.

"Yah, it's not that i don't like Sunoo or something but i care for my sister you know! I won't be able to bear you getting hurt" Sunghoon touched the bridge of his noes and said.

"You're saying that I'll break her heart or something? I? " Sunoo scoffed with wide eyes and mouth wide open.

"I can't trust you" He sighed after looking at the two lovebirds.

"I won't! I pledge this in the name of Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook. Clear? " Sunoo said including his fingers in his words.

"Yah what does BTS needs to do here? " Sera, who was clueless asked the two.

"YAH HOW CAN YOU FORGET PARK JIMIN!? THIS IS THE REASON WHY I DON'T TRUST YOU! " Sunghoon yelled at him slammimg the table before him.

"Hyung, my lovely hyung, my most handsome hyung in the whole world, let us date uh? " He pouted and blinked several times.

Sunghoon looked at him in disbelief and sighed. "I can't believe you guys are dating before me"

"Okay, i have a boyfriend now, you find your girlfriend yourself, finish! Oppa whaiting! You can do this! " Sera said and pulled Sunoo by his arm and ran away.

"Yah you little—"

These cliché books of mine—

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These cliché books of mine—

metanoia; kim sunooWhere stories live. Discover now