✨chapter 27✨

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Y/n Pov

"okay students, we'll get going in 10 minutes so make sure all of you have brought everything that'll be need such as your clothes, personal stuff and other than that. Let me remind you guys again that we'll be going for a camping at Forillon International Park... "said Mr Albert had all of us nodded understand...

"Son, this is going to be fun!... "Alice said had me chuckle...

"are you that excited?... "I ask and she nod...

"of course! It's my first time tho plus, I search about the place that we'll be camping at has a nice view of sea... "

"you said so... I'm not that very excited to be honest... "I said and she look at me confuse...

"why??... "

"because I just don't feel like I wanted to go for a camping but my parent told me that your parents told me to join this camping so I can take care of you... "I said and she facepalm...

"am I that troublesome to my parents? Hmm... "she said pouting but I pat her back...

"nah you're not... Maybe a little... "

"hey! You mean... "

"you just knew?... "I ask and she hit me in the arm...

"OK OK I'm sorry! Jeez take it easy, Alice. Your parent just worried about you because they knew their daughter well... and that's why I'm here! Come on! Smile princess... "I said nudging her shoulder but she still look at me with sad face...

I wonder if her future boyfriend will able to handle her behaviour. Sometimes she's just that type of person who tried her best to look cute but it just annoying sometimes... but as a close friend, I'm getting used to it. Doesn't mean I hated her for behaving like that because I'm fine with it to be honest. It was her natural self after all...

"hey we should get going. Let's get inside the bus... "I said to her and she nod as we both get inside the bus and heading to the campsite...

2 hours later...

"wah it's so beautiful!... "said Alice as she mesmerized by the look of the beautiful sea...

After 2 hour's of ride, finally we arrived at the Forillon International Park. Damn my back hurts~

"hey Son, can you take a picture of me?!... "she ask me and pull me up from sitting on the ground...

"okay. Go stand over there... "I said and she quickly move...

"okay 1 2 3, smile!... "


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"is it good?... "she ask looking worried but I thumbs at her as I show her the picture...

"do you want me to take yours?... "she ask again but I shook my head...

"it's okay. I don't even have any social media to post... "

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