✨chapter 6✨

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Yeji Pov

Y/n still hug me for a minute until he broke the hug. He fix his throat and look at the sky with his leg swing front and backward...

"ever since I born I already live at orphanage. It's like a home to me. Every person there are my family. There's one day when I decide to run away from the orphanage house because I thought I could survive by myself and because I'm getting sick of staying there. It feels like I was trapped inside the orphanage. So I ran away, leaving all behind with a bag of clothes and some money even I was 7 years old on that time. Basically I have nowhere to go so I just sat like a stray kids on sidewalk. Day by day, my money getting less until I had to steal some food because I was starving so badly... "he said and chuckles...

"but stealing is still wrong y/n. Why don't you go back to the orphanage?..." I ask and get look at me...

"are you expecting that I will go back to the orphanage while I make the whole guardian there worried? Of course no. Back to story, there's one day when I was starving to death. I have no money, no clean clothes or anything I could do so I decided to steal a bread from this one stall. I secretly grab a bag of plastic and steal as many as I can. When I was about to run away, I get myself tripped and triggered the owner. The owner pull my ear and bring to somewhere where it was a playground. He tied me up on the electric pole and call the neighborhood there. They did something horrible that makes me traumatized till this day until I dream about it once again after long time... "he said sighing...

"what did they do to you?... "I ask him...

"you want to know? You may don't like it... "he said in a warning tone...

"yes I want to know... "I said confidence and he lift up his shirt...

Wait a second! Is he going to show me his body?!!!!

"yah Son Y/n stop!!!..."I said covered my both eyes with my hand...

"why? You said you want to know what they did to me... "he said and roll down his shirt back...

"and why you want me to see your body?..."I ask and she grabbed my both hand...

"what are you doing?! Y/n don't lift your shirt!!!! "I said forcefully and try to release his from his gap as he lift up his shirt...

I closed my eyes and he let go of my hand. I quickly cover my both eyes with my hand...

"noona, don't close your eyes. I just show you my body. Why you get so embarrassed?... "he ask me...

"I don't want to look at your body! Why should I? "I ask still cover my eyes...

"because your answer is on my body. Here, let me help you... "he said and slowly take my hand down from my eyes...

I gulp on my own saliva and slowly open my eyes...

What I see with my both eyes is super unexpected. His body, have so many scars and cuts like his whole body was full with scars...

"they throw a stone to my body. It left my body with full of scars and cut. I was bleeding to much till I don't realize I almost knocked out. After they done throwing stone at my body, they untie me and before they left me lifeless half naked on the street, they managed to kick every single part of my body. I lost my sense and almost knocked out. I was crying in pain because it was way too hurt for me. People who passed by just ignore me laying on my own blood pool... "he said as he roll down his shirt back...

I never thought it could be this bad. By looking at those scar, it must be painful. I can't imagine how he still survive the attack while he just 7 years old on that time!...

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