✨chapter 22✨

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Author Pov

"guess I'll be going now. Take care of yourself, Yuri... "y/n said hugging Yuri and tap his back...

"I will hyung. Don't worry about me... So, see you again?... "he said and y/n nod smiling...

Currently y/n and Yeeun just left from Yuri house after visiting him...

"so, where are we going next?... "Yeeun ask while strolling y/n from his wheelchair back...

"I want to met with Yeji noona... There's something I need to tell her... "he said make Yeeun stop walking...

She went to bend her knee down in front of y/n and held his both hand...

"why? Is it really important?... "she ask and y/n nod...

"I don't want this drama to keep going on. I must tell her everything... "he said but Yeeun chuckled make y/n confused...

"no need. I already explained what actually happen. Yeji knew it already... "she said but y/n sigh...

"wae? Are you okay?... "Yeeun ask and y/n shook his head...

"no I'm not. Just let me meet with her okay?... "he said begging make Yeeun sigh...

"okay. I'll let you but I must come with you because I can't let you with your condition like this go alone. Okay?... "she ask and y/n nod...

"thank you, noona... "he said and went to hug Yeeun tightly...

"aigoo!~ you're so cute. Keep hugging me like this, okay?... "Yeeun said caressing y/n back and y/n nod...

Later, y/n pull out his phone and dial Yeji number as he wanted to call her...

"annyeonghaseyo?! Y/nshi?!... "

"ne noona. It's me y/n... "

"y-you have wake up! O-oh thank God! Are you okay, cutie?!?... "

"i-i'm okay... Can we met?... "

"of course! Hospital?!?... "

"no. The cafe that we use to hang out... "

"oh okay. I'm already here so I just wait for you then... "

"okay. See ya... "

As he ended the call, the both of y/n and Yeeun continue their journey to met with Yeji...

Yeji Pov

I just got a call from y/n right after I met with his sister. Is this even concidence??! Nvm, I'm just really happy knowing that y/n already wake up...

I nervously waiting for y/n to arrive and I don't know why but I felt so much excited to be truth. It just like I'm going to win another lottery or I'm just being over dramatic lol...

After waiting and waiting, finally he arrive but what I see, it just confusing me. Why is he using w-wheelchair??...

And why she always to be here too? I hate her...

"hey Yeji noona. Sorry I'm late... "y/n said apologize and stroll himself in front of me while that bitch is standing behind him...

"it's okay cutie. I'm not mad... "I said wanted to hold his hand but he insist...

"what's wrong?... "I ask and he sigh looking down...

"Yeeun noona told me that you already knew about everything. Is it true?... "he ask and I nod...

"y/n, why did you hide that you was sick? I-i just don't understand... "I ask and he keep sighing like he done a big mistake which is probably, might be...

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