✨chapter 23✨

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Yeji Pov

"today is unlucky day for me huh?... "I said to myself and take a bite of my ice-cream that I bought earlier...

So, that's it... Y/n just ended our relationship just like that... By thought me that I'm just his friends and not someone who use to be his saviour, his big sis and even great, his girlfriend... */sigh/ Honestly, this is not the end that I wanted but he said it and I'm not able to tell that I'll always have my heart open for him and wait until he realized that I'll be always by his side, for him... but then, this is what I get... for being way too caring...

"is being too much caring is a bad thing?... "I ask myself and take another bite of my ice-cream...

Maybe what Yeeun told me is true. Maybe I just get y/n annoyed by calling him everyday until I forgot to take care of myself first. Maybe I'm the one who just hype about my relationship with y/n before... Maybe y/n didn't even care about me...

Know what? I'm tired. I'm fucking tired and mad but at the same time, I'm sad. I'm dissapointed with myself because I can't do nothing to protect my relationship with y/n anymore... */sigh/ maybe after all, that Yeeun brat is the reason why y/n gave up on me...

I look at my watch and it shows 2 p.m. I guess it's still early to go back to dorm but I guess I still need to visit JYP building before head back to dorm...

30 minutes later...

I just arrived in front of JYP building after walking from the park that I went to earlier. The reason why I'm here is because I left my pouch in practice room...

As I walk inside the building, somehow I notice a conversation not too loud for me to hear. It's like someone is yelling while crying. I turn my head to look at where those conversations from but then, I saw a man and a woman talking to...y/n?!?...

I look at y/n, he's crying while his expression shows that he's angry about something. God, what more of your test from you to y/n until he had to cry that much?...

Author Pov

Yeji stop from walking away after she notice y/n talking to a man and a woman in mid 50's at JYP cafe. She decide to walk towards their direction since she wanted to know what makes y/n cried but then, y/n just leave them as he stroll his wheelchair away from the cafe but then he bump into Yeji...

"y/n, w-why are you crying??... "ask Yeji sounded concern to y/n...

"you... Why did you tell Seungwan noona about my condition?... "he ask wiping away his tears make Yeji sigh...

"i-i thought I could help you by making her responsible for everything... "she said make y/n scoff...

"i never told you to did that. What in a world were you think it'll help me? No! I hate them! I hate them so much until when Seungwan noona bring my parents after 16 fucking years, I never get to see them face and out of sudden? They just said they both were my parents??! What the actual fuck is happening?!?... "y/n said mad but Yeji remain silent...

"I know you hate them but you can't just let your ego overpowered yourself, y/n. I beg you, please! For your own sake, accept them back and their offer so you could live again and debut as an idol... "Yeji said begging as she bend down her both knee on the ground make y/n shock...

"yah... Noona, get up... Everyone is looking at us... "y/n said after noticing his surroundings were filled with JYP staff and other people's there...

"no! Whatever you say, I'll keep my head on the ground and keep begging for you!... "Yeji said and lay her forehead on the ground...

Y/n gasp over Yeji as he feel blamed for making her bow on the ground for him...

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