✨chapter 21✨

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Y/n Pov

"urgh!~ My head is killing me!... "I said groaning in pain as I feel the pressure on my head...

I just wake up after the last time I remember, I collapse inside Yeji noona's hug... Fuck, did she know about my condition? I hope she didn't. */sigh/...

"y/n? You wake up... "a voice of a familiar call my name make me look at my side...

"Yeeun noona?? W-where am I???

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"Yeeun noona?? W-where am I???... "I ask shocking and look at my surroundings...

Wait, this is a hospital... So that means, if I collapse in front of Yeji noona and Yeeun noona was here too... Oh shit! Did Yeji noona know about my condition?!?!?...

"you collapse again....but Yeji was there... And she knew about your condition... "she said got me in silent...

So she knew... Oh God...

"i-i should go met with her... "I said and hop off from the bed but then I can't feel my both legs which make me fall on the ground...

"y/n!!!... "Yeeun noona yell in shock tone and went towards me...

"I can't feel my legs! W-what happen to me?!?... "I said freaking out but then a doctor and a nurse came inside the ward...





















"for now, you had to use a wheelchair but don't worry, your leg won't be forever like this IF ONLY, if only I repeat in case you might don't heard me that if only you had your surgery. I hope you aware of this because you're not use to be healthy like what you had before. Excuse me I've another patient to check on... "the doctor said to me and walk away...

I sigh and cares my head that full with problems that I had to handle... */sigh/...

"y/n, don't worry okay? It's only for a temporary... "Yeeun noona said and tap my both thighs...

"don't worry you said?? Don't you see that I'm a handicap person now? I can't walk and I don't have money! And I'll forever stick with this stupid wheelchair for the rest of my life... At least not before I die... "I said mad and hit the wheelchair that I using currently...

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