✨chapter 15✨

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Author Pov

Somewhere in a cafe...

Y/n nervously waiting for someone while tapping his feet repeating. He always looking at his side and be aware until someone came inside the cafe as it was Yeji...

"y/nshi!!!..."she call y/n name happily and went to sit in front of him...

"why are you calling me here for?... "she ask holding onto his hand make y/n sigh...

"Yeji noona, actually there's something I should told you... "he said looking serious got Yeji worried...

"w-what's wrong, cutie? Are you mad about me being busy all the time?..."she ask but y/n shook his head...

"it's not about that... It's about our relationship... "he said got Yeji confuse...

"then what's wrong? If you have any problem, you can talk to me... "she ask concern and y/n inhale deeply...

He slowly push Yeji hands away, releasing her grip from holding onto his hand which make Yeji shock...

"let's break up... "

Ryujin Pov

Currently I was watching a variety show with other member except for Yeji unnie since she said she had to met with someone...

As the four of us were concentrate on the TV, suddenly Yeji unnie barge inside while crying...

"Yeji, what's wrong?!... "Lia unnie ask and we all went to check on her...

"h-he such a hypocrite! I hate him!!!... "she said and cry even harder...

"who's that person??... "Yuna ask and Yeji unnie continue to cry more...

"it's y/n!! He ended our relationship just like that!!! He didn't even wanted to share why he wanted to break up instead of saying harsh things to me!! Why must be him?! Why must him?! Don't he knew that I love his so much?!!... "she said and cry harder inside Lia unnie hug...

"shhh~ you need rest, Yeji. Come on, let's get you, to your room... "she said and bring along Yeji unnie to upstairs...

I look at Yuna and Chaeryeong as we all look at each other...

"I guess y/n already did it... "Yuna said make me and Chaeryeong nod...

"let's call him... "Chaeryeong suggest and I went to dial hid number...


"y/n, did you do it?... "

"do what?..."

"your plan... Making Yeji unnie and you break up... "

"ohhh... I bet she's crying so hard right now because of me... "

"y/n*/sigh/, I feel bad for Yeji unnie. She was crying so hard and right now, Lia unnie try to calm her down. Do you think this is the best for you and her?... "

"honestly, I don't know... I just don't know... But this is the only way I could figure out. Like I told you, if she surgery won't succeed and I'm dead, I bet Yeji noona will get sad and it may effect her carrier... as well for you, guys too. Come on, we talk about this... "

"I know y/n but-... "

"there's not but. I will hang up... Take care of her well. Make sure she stay healthy... For me and for all of you... "

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